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-Uhm... - Brian starts to talk. - Look, Y/n... I know that we made plans. - You start to have a bad feeling about what he is going to say. - But the situation changed now. We are not soulmates anymore. I'm with Avery. The cupid told us that. - He says and your chin drops. Your heart skips a beat, not believing what you are listening. 

-But... But... The cupid is wrong, Brian. - You say, feeling your eyes get watery. 

-Sorry, Y/n... That's how it is. This is a test, and I am good with Avery as my soulmate. - He says and a tear escapes from your eyes. 

-You- You said you loved me. - You say looking down. 

-Maybe he loved, but now it changed, Y/n. - Avery says. - Let's go, Brian. - She says pulling his arm. Brian looks at you for the last time and turns around leaving the place. 

            You stay there, astonished. You were the only one who believed in you two. You were thinking about him all this time. And for nothing. You feel a hand on your shoulder. Looking a bit at the side, you see Haechan's body. 

-Let's rest now, Y/n. It's better. - He says and you stay quiet. You move his hand away and walk to the opposite way. Haechan sighs and follows you. He knows how much you liked him and how it was a thud for you. You sniff, trying to contain your tears, but his words keep bumping in your head. 

            You and Haechan walk in silence around the place. There are soulmates everywhere and you feel relieved for not bumping into Brian and Avery. After some minutes walking, you and Haechan find a space with plenty of hammocks. Some of them are already in use. You choose one of them and Haechan chooses one next to yours. 

-Do you want to talk about that? - Haechan asks, not knowing what to say to you. 

-No. I just wanna sleep. - You say turning to the other side. Haechan fixes himself on his hammock, closing his eyes to try to sleep. 

            Later that night, Haechan is still awake and he hears sniffs. Raising his head a bit to look around, he glances at your hammock and sees you crying. Your little shoulders trembling because of the sobs. He leans his head back on the hammock sighing. Even though you two don't get along perfectly, he feels bad seeing you like this. Looking at the roof, he hears you sniffing hardly before everything goes on silence. "She must have fallen asleep." He thinks before falling asleep too.
            In the next day, Haechan wakes up with a sunlight beam touching his face. Covering it with his hand, he stretches his body while opening his swallow just-awakened eyes. His blurry sight gets used to the space and he instantly remembers of you. Quickly turning to look at your hammock, he sees you are not there. He stands up and goes to search for you. Now, with the clear day, he can see more of the safe base. It's really a beautiful place. Haechan scoffs thinking how ironic it is. How such a quiet and beautiful place could be located in the middle of the chaos. "Well, if they can create the chaos, they can create the peace too." He concludes looking at the glass wall of the loth floor. Looking at the side, coincidentally, he spots a familiar figure. You. He gets closer while you are sitting at the water source. 

-Hey. - Haechan says carefully. You look up at him. 

-Hey. - You say smiling weakly. Haechan notices your red and swallow eyes from the previous night. 

-I didn't see you when I woke up and I thought about looking for you. - He says. 

-Oh, yeah. I woke up first. I saw that you were in a deep sleep, so I let you sleep more. - You say and he nods looking at the other side. - How is your arm? - You ask as he sits beside you. 

-It's much better. Not hurting so much anymore. Thank you for... taking care of it. - He says scratching his head. 

-No problem. - You say letting the water flows between your fingers. 

-How are you? You know, after yesterday with all the Brian thing. - He asks a little awkward. You sigh deeply, still feeling your heart ache when you hear his name. 

-I'm better. If he wants Avery, he can stay with her. I will just follow my way and pass on this exam. - You say looking at the landscape. Haechan nods, knowing that you are trying to be strong. And you really are. You stand up in a jump and turn to Haechan. He looks up at you, curious about what you are going to do next. - Well, we agreed on being a team, so we are gonna pass on this exam together, right, soulmate? - You say to him more excited and smiling. You raise your hand to help him to stand up. Haechan grins and takes your hand. 

-I didn't know you were so confident, Y/n. - He says joking while you two start to walk. You giggle. 

-You still don't know anything about me. - You say proudly. 

-Neither you about me, my dear. - He says back. - Have you had you breakfast yet? - He asks. You shake your head. - Good. Let's eat then. There must be a breakfast in this huge tower here. Let's search for it. - Haechan says and you nod excited. 

            And Haechan was right. After walking a bit, you find a huge hall with several tables. All of them with food, fruits and drinks. You widen your eyes looking at him. You walk towards a table and, taking a plate for you, you take the food you want.
            You two did that for more two days and, after Haechan's arm was sufficiently better to move on, you decided to continue with the exam. You grab water, clean clothes and accessories which can help you in that forest, such as knives, ropes and lighters. Putting all in your backpack, you go to the gate, breathe deeply and start the exam again. 

-Welcome back, Mates! - The cupid says. - Your next test starts in 3... 2... 1...

Soulmate - A Haechan SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now