01 | olympia may

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"Olympia-may. You can call me Oli."

Olympia-may was a curious girl. Some may say too curious for her own good, may I add.
So it was no surprise to dr. Crawford when she arrived in her office and find the brunette girl watching cautiously through the tall window. Dr. Crawford watched for a moment, scanning
Oli's facial expressions as she stared at the new arrivals to the W.C.K.D. compound.

"Just watching, miss May?" Dr Crawford said in a somewhat hushed tone,
drawing Oli's eyes of of the new arrivals and onto Dr. Crawford. Olympia flushed red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, Dr. But May I ask why there are more children arriving? We already have
over 80 kids, and with they're blood donations and tests hopefully then we should
find a cure, right?" Olympia said, hope filling her eyes.

Dr. Crawford was like a mentor, or almost close to a mother figure throughout
her 6 years at W.C.K.D.  There were barely any children her age while
she was growing up, so she was left to the large decorative library and her uncomfortable bed.

"Olympia, this cure is very important, and we need all the help we can get so we can help the people in need. Do you understand?" Dr. Crawford said, slightly tilting her head to the side. "Now, you should be heading off to dinner, Janson will be picking more children." Dr. Crawford suddenly wasn't able to look Olympia in the eye.

Olympia May nodded, searching Dr. Crawford's face, faking a smile. As she silently closed the door, her smile instantly fell.

Dr. Crawford was a terrible liar.

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Her potato salad wasn't very appetising at the moment. She knew something was going on, and it wasn't good. She only ever knew W.C.K.D to be her home, but right now it felt like a prison.she knew her keycard didn't give her access to everything, but maybe there were other ways to sneak about.

As she was distracted by her thoughts, she didn't realise the tall brunette boy with soft chocolate brown eyes take a seat opposite her.

"Not hungry?" His voice was deep, but had a soft ring to it.


"Well you seem to be uninterested in your food tonight, and man this potato salad is good." He let out a chuckle, masking the suspicion behind it.

"Well you get pretty sick of it after a while, seeing as i've had six years worth of potato salad Friday's." She said, smiling.


"Olympia-may. You can call me Oli."

"So you work here?" Thomas said. Maybe she'll tell me something, he thought. Thomas's plan was to find out what was happening, wether their 'saviours' approved or not. This place was suspicious, and he didn't know why.

"I grew up here. I have been here since I was nine, i don't really remember anything before that though."

"Ah, we'll I probably should get going, my friends are waiting." Thomas said, pointing over to a group of teenage boys about Oli's age. Before she could say anything else, the boy was gone.

"Can I have everyone's attention please!" Here we go, More people to be sent of to Denver. Jansen stepped forward and into to light, reading out the list of names.

"First off, Olympia may-"

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See? I told you it takes absolutely forever for me to update. But 
I'm proud of this chapter, and I'm sure my writing
will improve, so yeah I hope you liked
it! (I probably won't update until next month)
But anyways go drink some water, have a snack and rest!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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