1- Male Rich Strippers

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I want it to be known that Vero can understand Japanese, he just sucks at speaking it, and is laughed at when he tries, so he mostly communicates in Korean with Cyura. Cyura is really good at Japanese, Italian, Russian and Korean. 

Most of the Dialogue in this chapter is spoken in Korean between Cyura and Vero. Not that there's much Dialogue to begin with. 

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"Lobos." Cyura looked at me in confusion as we left the office, we held our own schedules, but we had the same classes.

"What about robots?" She spoke in Japanese. She was getting used to it, I still can't find myself speaking like that though.

I just shook my head, I had thought out loud.

"So, Jin. Are you ever going to speak Japanese? Or never communicate with people?" Cyura gave a fake smile. Jin was my Korean nick-name. Because the idiots decided to translate Vero from Italian to Jin in Korean.

"Hm." I replied. She hit my head softly, reaching up to hit my brown and black hair.

"Nuu, blien. Moi lubimaya, eedyom." Cyura spoke in Russian now. She was originally from Russia, but her father traveled around opening business. Her mother was Russian, and her father was Japanese. We were in Korea the longest hence knowing it best. 10 Years... They picked me up when they went to Italy. I had no name at the time, they gave me one, I suppose. I was Three at the time.

I couldn't understand her when she spoke Russian, but from what I faintly knew from previous experiences with malady; she cursed and told me to come on. 

I sighed and followed, still in my robotic thoughts.

I'm not legally their child. I wasn't adopted, I was chosen. 

I am to protect and guard Cyura Hiyoko with my life.

"Class, we have two new students." Everybody in the classroom looked up. Many of them gasped either at how scary I looked, or how pretty Lady Cyura looked.

"Hello, everybody! I'm Cyura Hiyoko! It's a pleasure." Cyura said with the happy old self that she was pretending to be. She elbowed my stomach when I said nothing and I threw her an angry glare before clearing my throat.

"H..Herro.. My name is Velo Hiyoko." My accent made me sound like an idiot and a few people giggled, my glare silenced them instantly.

I was elbowed in the stomach again and I glared back at Lady Cyura. She knows how much I hate being looked down upon.

"Fuck this shit. I'm so done right now, its not even funny." I cursed under my breath in Korean. The only language that I was able to actually speak correctly.

"Hey. If you kill everyone, then I'll have nobody to control." She whined to me back in Korean as we moved to take our seats. The only seats available were far off from one another. Yeah right.

When Lady Cyura took her seat I glared at the person sitting behind her. A blonde man looked up and shrieked for his mother, falling out of the chair and dashing off somewhere. I took his books and pushed them off his desk onto the floor and took my seat behind malady.

"Vero, someone is already sitting there." I glared at the teacher and she stiffined for a moment before coughing awkwardly.

"Tamaki, you can sit in that seat... It seems Vero must sit behind his sister." She said and pointed to the other seat. I ignored her and got my books out.

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