The luminous Moon

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Hello. This is a book that I have written. Please do not copy my book, as it has taken me a while to write this. This book is gory, and is about a Zombie Apocalypse. Enjoy and please comment and vote if you like it!

The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night, until the inky darkness engulfed the world. The body of the luminous moon shone brightly upon a small residence.The night was silent, the world was once again peaceful, as the people grew tired and drifted into a sequence of vivid dreams. Aileen was balanced carefully on her window sill, her legs moving with the bitter breeze. Her iridescent eyes, staring into the city, the quiet city. Her sharp senses, like those of a wolf, had increased. Her golden hair, radiant like the sun; cascading like a waterfall to her shoulders.

" The moon shines brightly tonight, cat." Aileen watched the cat's star-stuck orbits, then once again to the moon. The cat acknowledged her, then, raising it's paw, began to scratch the pink curtains. It had no name, as Aileen refused to give it one. This cat had a name, and another owner. It had lost the owner, therefore lost it's name. Aileen didn't even check to see what gender the cat was. All she knew is, the cat came at dusk, each day, begging for company. Then, she sent it away at dawn, the cat running into the horizon, she had thought. It was a confused being.

Aileen now sat in the corridor of the hospital, her fingers entwined. Sweat trickled down her forehead, staining her white dress. It was raining, as it does on miserable days. Her family were quarantined in a small bubble, they were said to be infected with an extremely rare disease, that paralysed the brain. Aileen had talked to the police each evening, they told her everything would be 'okay'. She would shake her head and with a stifled cry, shout, " WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!". They asked her questions, " Where were your parents on Friday the 16th of January? Did they tell you anything of that night? Were they sick when they came home? What time did they come home?" She refused to answer these questions. Aileen's mother and father were in there, even her brother, Lorek. Her dog had died last week, the Vet couldn't figure out what was wrong. Aileen saw what she thought to be hallucinations. Daisy would come to the door, with iridescent eyes and speak, " It's all your fault." She would scream and cradle herself, as her father would. Then she would escape sleep and climb onto the window sill and sing, with the cat by her side. Aileen would speak as if she was ten times her age.

You came again, cat. Aileen smiled happily, but inside her, she felt completely miserable. Not even the presence of the cat could cheer her up. I always come Aileen, I want to be with you. The cat would speak to her, but not with words, with its brain. She could hear them. The animals. They would talk to her. She was not crazy, nor was she insane, she could speak to animals telepathically. Do you not want to be with your own, speak with other cats? She would often ask. The cat would sigh. There are no other cats. I'm the last one. Aileen would pet it shyly, her fingers would massage the scalp of the creature, it would purr softly. What happened to the other cats? She longed for it to answer her. I, I don't want to talk about it.

" Aileen, Please, come with me." the doctor spoke in a soft tone, his face red. He coughed, and then steadily walked to a locked room. The shutters covered the window, and a large sign hung on the door knob. It read: Caution: Quarantined Area. Black Solanum Virus. Potential Infection Risk. Authorised Personal Only. The doctor dialled a code on the door, and it swung open. She now wore a mask, that covered the entirety of her face. She breathed steadily, her eyes darting around the room. The doctor held her hand, and suddenly she realised what she was looking at. Lorek sat on the floor, in a large bubble. His pupils were sharp, his lips covered in blood. He grunted. His face was sunken in, eyes unfocused. His mouth twitched and drooled as if craving for something, anything. The smell of his rotting face made Aileen's stomach churn.His nails were dark and bloody. He had discolored skin, It was falling away from his muscle, his bones. " What happened to him?" Her face was pale, as she began to vomit. He forced her out of the room, as he began to cough again. " It started with the cut, he had a small cut on his left arm. Something, in the air made him this way, it went directly through his blood stream and infected his cells. In hours, he began to show symptoms of the Solanum Virus. It infects the brain. He can't control his actions, he wants to kill. You're parents are worse." Aileen shook her head, not knowing what she just saw. " What does Solanum mean?" Her lip quivered. He frowned, " Your family are, what most people call them, there, the dead, or zombies. He died a few hours ago. And then, he was restored. Reanimated. But, to this, blood-thirsty creature."

I have no family left, cat. She thought in her head. The cat was not in her company. It was dusk, and the cat was suppose to come. Where are you? She hoped to reach the cat. It was no use. Aileen called for the cat, reaching her invisible hands in the inky darkness of her mind. She had no one. She was not going to a foster family. Aileen refused to leave the house. She would die in this house, be buried in this house. Are you dead? She bit her lip. You can't be dead.

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