That day

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I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my home. I rolled out of bed to see what mom was cooking for breakfast and to see how my little sister is doing...

I peek into my little sister's, Violet's room to see how she is doing. She was still asleep. I walked over to her and changed the wash cloth on her head for a colder now. She been sick for a really long time... And she only getting worse...

"Morning mom!" I say walking into the kitchen. She was cooking eggs for breakfast.

"Morning sweetie..." My mother reply. She was sad. I could tell. My little sister hasn't been getting any better. Only worse and worse. It's only a matter of time before that illness that she has kills her... I don't kown how much longer Violet can hang on for.

"I'm gonna go out again today. Looking for a cure for Violet." I said grabbing a handful of the scrambled eggs my mom made and shoveling in my mouth. I garbed my backpack and run out the door.

"Be careful!" I could my mother yell out the door. I made my way down to Liyue in hopes that someone would known something about my sister illness and how to treat it.

I ask around the Harbor, hoping that someone, anyone would be able to help Violet somehow in some way. But I found nothing again... In the 4 years I've been doing this, I for sure thought I would come cross someone who could help my little sister. But it seems the fact that no one can help my little sister and that she gonna die is becoming more and more of a reality...

"Let me read your fortune, your fate, your destiny. Young girl/man/other. It may just reveal how you can cure your little sister." I heard someone say. It was an old man at a fortune telling booth. I really didn't believe in that kind of thing but...

This man somehow he kewn about my sister. So he must be the real deal! Right...?

"Ah, so I caught your interest after all. Let me guess you want your reading" The old man said. I quickly nodded my head. I would do anything to save my little sister. A n y t h i n g .

"Then put out your hand young lady/man/other." And so I did what the old man said. I put out my hand. He garbed my hand and look at closely, inspecting every little detail.

"Your younger sister is deadly ill. With nothing you can do to stop her from dieing... Almost. There is a tower that goes far up into the sky to Celestia himself. Surely if you climb said tower up to Celestia, he'll save your sister. But be warn the tower is deadly place where many have dead trying to get to the top and many more will dead also trying... The Spiral Abyss..." The old man spoke. So the only thing I have to do to save my sister is climbed  up some dumb old tower up to Celestia?

I don't have a vision, but it should be easy enough. I thanked the old man before running off to blacksmith to buy a new white tassel. I need to be strongest I could be if I was going to be face to face to Celestia.

I got some directions to this Spiral Abyss Tower thing was. I wish I knew it was in mondstadt first so I could have got more of mom's cooking but oh well! I brought some food for the road before heading off.

Hold on, little sis! Big sis/bro/other gonna save you!

I walked countless miles. Fought countless enemies. Met countless people. Watch countless sunsets. Watch countless sunrises. Until I finally made to the Sprial Abyss. I entered through the portal...

Every floor. Every charmer. Was like a hell. Begging me to stop. Wanting me to give up and die. But I couldn't I just couldn't not yet. Not when Violet still needs my help!

I walked up a staircase continuing my way up. My hair was greasy. My clothes were rip. There was blood and dirt dried on my face. But I made it. I made to the top. The  King of Celestia is now right in front me.

"King Celestia!" I shouted up at him getting his attention.

"I made all the way up here by myself, and now I want my little sister illness to be cured!" I said holding my ground.

"Hahahahaha" The king laugh. W-what? Why was he laughing?! What's so funny?!

"Hahaha you sent 5 thousand years trying to get up here, wanting your dead sister to be cured of her illness that already kill her! Spoiler alert! She, you're mother and everyone else you know is dead! D E A D! Dead! Dead! You wasted all that time getting up here hahahhaha!" The king laughed it was almost like he read my mind.

"But don't worry dear. You already wasted 5 thousand years and everyone you once kewn is dead but worry not. I won't let you waste any more time! Hahaha!"

I could the king laughter. It felt like reality was spinning out of control and like I was falling. Before everything went dark...

I open my eyes. Not to met with the calling of my home but with night sky. I felt something cold all around me. I set up. I was laying in the water that surrounded the portal I once had entered to Sprial Abyss.

I soon quickly noticed that the King of Celestia had now made me immortal. And unable to re-enter the Sprial Abyss. I also soon noticed that there was a cyro vision by where I once was laid in the water. It was there for a long while. I could see the elements took its toll on the vision but it still work fine by the water that was frozen around it. It must been when I first entered the Sprial Abyss but I didn't notice it.

'Time is cold and cruel. It waits for no one. But the king of Celestia is colder and crueler.' I thought, crying while picking up the vision. Everyone I once knew and cared about is now dead... I should've told my mom where I was going before I left. I'm sorry mother... I'm sorry Violet... I couldn't save you..

'Once there was a traveler from Liyue
That traveled far and wide.
Looking for a hope
Looking a cure
Looking for anything that could save their sister
They claimed the tallest mountains
They walk the longest distance
They swam across some of the deepest waters
Looking for anything that could save their sister
Looking for one last hope
Looking for a cure that could fix a broken a soul
before the sunset
For good~~
Somewhere along the way
They met a boy in green
The boy called himself a god
But they quickly laugh it off
The boy made a promise
To follow they where ever them went
Till they believe the boy in green
The traveller and the boy become friends in no time
But one day
The traveller told the boy in green something
The boy wanted to say something back
But they were gone before he could.
The boy in green didn't kown if they found what they were looking for
But the boy hope they did.'

The song had be sung, it is the end now.

The Curse Of A God And The Curse Of Immortality (Venti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now