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Pairing: Corpse Husband x Male!Reader

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

WC: ~1.5k

A/N: I hope y'all enjoy!!

"Should we all meet back at y/n's?" A voice says and you perk up from your slouched position and look around

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"Should we all meet back at y/n's?" A voice says and you perk up from your slouched position and look around. You're unsure who had said it, but everyone seems to be in agreement and you were still utterly confused.

"Wait- my place?" You ask and Toast looks over at you and nods his head with a smile.

"Yeah, c'mon man. Your house is closer and the bar's gonna close soon." He says as he slings an arm around your shoulders. It made sense, it was about 15 minutes walking distance, but it still felt weird someone else was offering your apartment out.

"Do you usually offer up other people's houses?" You ask with a tilt of your head.

"On the regular." Toast says as he clicks his tongue and gives you a wink. You laugh, mainly because Toast was a bit buzzed, and shrug your shoulders.

"Sounds good to me." You say and start to get up from the table.

Everyone pays their tabs, finishes their drinks, uses the bathroom and everyone meets outside the bar. The walk is quick, only because everyone is cracking jokes and making the time fly by. You make it to your apartment, walking through the threshold and holding the door open to let everyone come in through. It wasn't a lot of people, but for your small apartment, it got pretty crowded quickly.

You shut the door after Rae and Leslie walked in and everyone made themselves at home, the drinks of the night finally settling in as they got drowsy.

"Hey, can I use your bathroom?" A deep voice asks and you don't have to guess to know it's Corpse. You turn to face him and point down the hallway.

"First door on the left." You say and he nods before walking off in the direction you pointed in. You don't have a logical reason why, but you did not like that guy. You've hung around him many different times because he's friends with Sykunno and so are you, but there was something about him that irked you. You would always try to talk with him, but his answers are always short and you eventually gave up on talking to him one-on-one after that.

You'd even invited him to a few parties that you were hosting, wanting to offer an olive branch his way to try and start over somehow, but he declined every offer. You tried not to take it personally, maybe he had previous engagements to deal with, or maybe he wasn't a party guy. But then, maybe he just didn't like you.

You shook your thoughts of Corpse out of your head, wanting to focus on getting everyone some water and maybe a bite to eat. You walked into the kitchen, the hum of noise less intense now in your home than it was in the bar. You poured everyone a glass of water and handed them out two by two. You went to get one glass for yourself and Corpse, because although you may not get along with him the best you're still a nice person.

Just then Corpse walks back into the room and you pick up both waters, ready to hand him one, but stop in your tracks as you see what he was holding. It was your cat. An orange tabby cradled in his arms. He was smiling really big down at the cat, wanting to show off his animal whispering skills to everyone. But you were frozen in your spot. You knew why that cat was so happy to see him, but you didn't want to admit it. Not wanting to form the words into your mouth. Or even think about saying that. But you practically were saying it right now, through your cat.

"Guys look!" Corpse calls out and you feel your face burn as you realize he's gonna make fun of you for this. For the fact that you like him despite the front you put on. You were clutching onto the glass as everyone looked towards Corpse, then turned their head towards you. You were unsure if Corpse himself knew what it meant if your cat was being nice to him. Maybe his emotional interpreter pet died when he was young. But he still had to know what they were. Right?

"Ooooo someone's got a cruuuuush." Michael says in a high voice, followed by others ooo-ing and aaa-ing at the two of you. Your whole body feels warm like you have ten heavy coats on with a heater blasting hot air at you. You made eye contact with Corpse and it seemed that everything was finally making sense to him. You don't really know what to say to him. What lie you could make up that he would believe. The proof was in the Pudding. Quite literally since your cat's name was Pudding.

You quickly set the waters back down and do the only thing you really wanted to do right now. Hide. You look down at the floor as you walk towards your room, passing Corpse as he puts his hand out to try and stop you; which you easily avoid. You make it to the safety of your room where you proceed to pace around the room.

"Oh suuuure. Let's all go back to my place. It's close enough." You say sarcastically as you run your hands through your hair. Well, now you're trapped in here with no idea how to handle the situation. You're thinking of ways out of this when you hear a soft knock at your door. You were hesitant to open it, not wanting to be embarrassed again, but you were also hoping whoever was on the other side of the door would be willing to help you out. You opened it to see Corpse with Pudding still in his arms. There goes your help.

"Can we talk?" He asks and you wanted to shut the door in his face and escape through the fire escape. But instead, you nodded your head and opened the door a bit wider so he could step inside. You were anxious, heart beating a thousand miles per minute as you turned around to face him. Pudding jumped out of his arms and walked over to you, rubbing in your legs affectionately.

"So..." He begins hesitantly and you feel the air tense as he tries to ease into this tough topic. You wish for a second he would be straightforward and brief. A quick no would do you some good and you can send everyone home in an Uber and order some greasy food to forget about the rejection. "I'm sorry about everyone out there. I don't think they realize that we're being jerks. They're still pretty buzzed." He apologizes for everyone and you nod your head in acknowledgment. It's silent for a beat and you both go to speak at the same time, causing you both to stop, then speak, then stop. And it seems to get even more awkward and tense when another silence settles in the room.

"If you want to just forget about the whole thing, that's fine with me honestly." You blurt out what you wanted to say earlier as you finally get the courage to look him in the eye.

"I don't want to forget about the whole thing, though." He says and you press your lips together in a line as your palms start to sweat. "I don't want to forget because I like you too." He admits and you blink a few times before fully registering what he said to you. He actually likes you back?

"Wai- but- I-" You stumble over your words before shaking your head to get your thoughts aligned. "You like me?" You ask as you point to yourself. Corpse laughs and nods his head as Pudding rubs across his legs as she did yours earlier. You're still shocked, but the anxiety seems to dissipate immensely and you finally feel like you're able to breathe again.

"But what about all the times I've tried to talk to you or invite you out? I thought you hated me, so I hated you back, but I didn't really hate you. I was just confused as to why you kept blowing me off and-" You're out of breath because of your rambling and Corpse shyly rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm really sorry about that. I'm not much of a people person. Plus I didn't really want to get my hopes up when I would be with you, because I thought for sure you would never like me back." He admits and you feel your heart soar at his confession.

"Well, then you're forgiven." You say and he laughs and looks down to his shoes where Pudding is laying on.

"How about a date? This Saturday night maybe?" He asks as he lifts his head up to look at you and you smile before nodding your head.

"Yes. It's a date."

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