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Every kids dreams seems to be immortal. Thinking it would be so cool to live forever. Being able to have infinite time to do whatever you please. That's what kids see. What kids think immortality is and why it's so great. But it's a curse.

The curse of immortality. Unable die. But still able to watch everyone around you die. Those who you love and care about. Those who you don't love and care about. You still get to see them die and are unable to join them forever... That is my curse.

The cures of immortality.

I let out a sigh as I walked into mondstadt. Why did I come here? What was my reason to? I forgot long ago.

The town was so lively. A kid selling flowers. And kathy? Katina? What was her name? The girl who's always at the adventure's guild. Yeah her. She tried to get me to join many times, but I won't join. Why does she keep trying so much? .... I'm convinced she a robot. I swear I hear her say 'system error... rebooting' to many times.

I walk over to the fountain and took a sit on the edge. I leaned my head back into the fountain. Water running down my face. It was time to think.

"Excess me mis/mr/other tarver. But won't you caught a cold?"

I froze the water, surprise. I horrible habit of mine. Whatever I jump I end out freezing all the water around me.

I unfroze the water push myself up to see a boy. Wearing green with blueish hair also wearing a green hat.

"I'm a wanderer not a traveler. Also getting sick is the last thing I'm worried about." I reply to the book. He looked confused at my response.

"Why is that, mis/mr/other wanderer?" The boy asked. A puzzled look on his face.

"Immortality." I responded with, I didn't try to hind my immortality it wasn't like this boy in green could do anything about it.

"Oh really?" The boy sat down next me.

I just hummed a sample yes.

"Can I sing you an old Liyue song? I think you would like it!" The boy spoke, before I chance to reply he got up pulled out a lyre and started to sing.

'Once there was a traveler from Liyue
That traveled far and wide.
Looking for a hope
Looking a cure
Looking for anything that could save their sister
They claimed the tallest mountains
They walk the longest distance
They swam across some of the deepest waters
Looking for anything that could save their sister
Looking for one last hope
Looking for a cure that could fix a broken a soul
before the sunset
For good~~'

The boy stop singing and looked at me. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"That was a good song. Did that traveler find whatever they were looking to save their sis?" I ask. I was rather curious about this song to say the least.

"Dunno. The song was never finished." The boy in green shrugged, sitting back down next me on the fountain.

"I personally think you should finish the song. Since you kown how it ends." I swear I heard the boy in green say, but when I looked over at him, he was just smiling kicking his legs back and forth showing no sign of just speaking.

"Do you have name or should I just call the boy in green?" I asked. I was curious as to what this boy's name even is.

"Oh right my name! I'm venti! Do you have a name mis/mr/other wanderer?" The boy er well Venti ask. Of course I have a name!

"Why of course, I have a name! Its.... uh.... um...." I trail off... Um... What was my name again? Was it really been that long that I forgot my name?

"Wait... Do you really have a name? Did you forget it something?" Venti asked, a puzzled looks across his face. He wonder how someone could so easily forget their own name! It would be like forgetting what day your birthday is or how old you are... wait a lot people forget that but still-!

I nodded my head out of embarrassment. It really was that I forgot my own name. Did I really that much time the.... never mind. It does matter the past is past. This is the present and I forget my name.

"How about I give you a name so I don't got call you mis/mr/other wanderer all the time?" Venti asked me. I gotta say he was rather poile.

"Oh yes please, that would be very nice." I responded. Venti got up and took a look at me. Taking in every little detail. Trying to think of a good name.

"How about y/n?" Venti ask after what felt like forever of just Venti looking at me.

"I like that name. Thank you, Venti." I said thanking Venti, smiling looking up into the night sky. Feeling the gentle wind flow through my hair.

I should go soon. It's getting late and I don't have a place to stay in mondstadt. And I rather not stay in a inn, thank you very much but my cave is much nice then an inner.

"Ah well look at the sky. It's getting dark. I should be getting back to my place. Once again thank you for the name, Venti." I said getting up and walking off before Venti had a chance to reply.

I often try not to talk or get close to others kowning that their someday die, but apart of hope that I would get to see Venti again and he won't just die.


The Curse Of A God And The Curse Of Immortality (Venti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now