starting the game.

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Sam and Bryan need money to pay off there rent but they don't have any they get a card that has a square triangle and a circle they turn it around and see a phone number ********** and they call and there is a guy with a weird voice he says "would you like to join our games for money" they both say "yes". They were poor at the time they needed it. They stand there waiting for a car that said would be there. As they stand there a car drives up and the door opens. Them not knowing that other people would be there they got in and this fog appeared and they fell asleep. (okay niki not from smp told me to add reneix and i'm gonna add ren and carrot now back to the story sorry for inconvenience) they get to the place and they are in a bed they get up and all the players get up and stand there confused niki sees sam and reneix and Bryan and carrot and ren so they all team up. The speaker says "We are playing games and you will get money the first game will start in 10 minutes so you have time to eat". They stare at each-other in disbelief. *after they eat* "Okay game will begin".

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