Chapter 1:Transported into the World of ASTRARIA

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When Alijah opened his eyes again he found himself surrounded by an enormous amount of 'black'. Right, it was literally black. Black leaves on black trees, black ground covered by black grass, black roses blooming on the long thorny vines.
Alijah smiled self mockingly.
'Am I in hell?'
He looked above. To his surprise the little bit of sky that he was seeing through the pitch black vegetation was not of any abnormal colour. It was pure blue. Blue, that symbolized hope, redeemed people from despair.
    Bright warm rays of sun broke through the gloomy black tree shades and shined brilliantly on the ocean blue eyes of Alijah. His eyes glittered like the purest sunshine glittered on the top of the ocean waves.
     Alijah narrowed his eyes. He tried to lift his hands to reach out the sun's brilliance. But, he found, he couldn't move even an inch. There wasn't even an ounce of strength in his whole body.
      He struggled for a while as beads of sweat started to form on his temple. His heartbeat rose.
'Wait, my heart is beating?! What...? I am not dead?!'
Alijah panicked. He felt as though his fast beating heart was being clenched tightly by someone.
'Am I even not allowed to die?!'
Alijah closed his eyes and started to laugh. But from his eyes, tears kept pouring down. It would make someone distressed for him.
'Why am I the one who always keep on living, when the ones I love keep on leaving me? Is it because of my sins?........
        But now I have nothing to lose....then why am I still alive? is so painful...'
    When Alijah opened his eyes again, those precious ocean like eyes were completely devoid of any liveliness. Despite the light, shining upon his face, his eyes seemed covered in the purest of darkness.
     Alijah dazedly stared into the black surroundings. He  didn't know how many minutes or hours had passed by like this, when Alijah seemed to move his body a bit. He came out of his daze. Now that he thought about it, this pure black forest was really very strange.
      He didn't die, then.........'Where on earth am I? A forest that is all's abnormal and....why am I not a slightly bit injured from the flame?......What actually happened?'
    Gradually Alijah felt strength, coming back to him. He got up from his lying position.
    It already started to get dark. Alijah stood up and began to wander aimlessly in the black forest. With every passing minute, the black forest grew darker as the sun slowly hid  under the horizon and withdrew every ray of sunshine.
      After a while, it was completely dark. Alijah sometimes knocked against some trees. But he still kept on moving. He simply didn't even think of finding a temporary safe place  for the night. The reason.....he didn't care.
      Alijah's heart was very calm. On his mouth was a careless smile.
     His legs were already sore from continuous walking. But he didn't stop.
     Alijah reached a open space after some time. There were no trees around this place. So, the black sky could be seen clearly from here.
    Alijah looked up. He was momentarily stunned by the countless stars twinkling brightly in the sky. But instead of being happy by this breathtakingly beautiful natural  phenomena, he became sad as many happy memories of the past, in the disguise of phantoms started to haunt him.
'What was the last time we sat under the stars like this?'
       With the dim light of the stars as back up, Alijah found a cliff up ahead. He began to approach the cliff with empty eyes.
     He reached the edge of the cliff. Alijah moved his right leg in the vacant space.
    Suddenly, a woman's sweet voice sounded inside his head.
Alijah was startled. He retracted his right leg and turned around vigilantly. Despite being an S ranked assassin, he didn't even feel the presence of this woman. He surely heard her voice so closely but he didn't even see her shadow.
"Who are you?"
—Me? Well, I am the one who saved you. Boy, you are so troublesome. Jumping straight into the mouth of death just at the drop of the hat! Sigh~
—Saving you is really the test of my patience. But from now on I can't save you anymore. So treasure your life a little, okay?
"Who are you?"
Alijah repeated his question.
"Why did you save me? Who told you to save me? If you wanted to save me then why didn't you save my family too?"
Alijah stopped for a while as if demanding an answer from the voice. But the voice remained silent.
Alijah grinded his teeth and spoke each word with unparalleled hatred.
"You shouldn't have saved haven't saved me at all!! You only helped me to drown further into the eternal darkness!"
The voice sighed helplessly.
Alijah, I am really sorry.
Alijah didn't speak a word. He silently sat down near the edge of the cliff and stared at the infinite amount of dazzling stars engraved into the black sky.
Alijah, actually you are not in the EARTH anymore.
Alijah stiffened. But not for long. He already guessed it by analyzing the surrounding environment. But the woman's next words almost stupefied him.
And you were never a native of the earth. You are from this world, the 'ASTRARIA'.........
Alijah's eyes widened.
"So....My family......"
—They adopted you when you were a child. Your real-
         Alijah cut her off from the middle and said in a low but dangerous tone,"You saved me because I am from your world and didn't save them because they are not?"
The voice shuddered. She said in a timid voice.
It's not that I didn't. It's simply because I can't. I am nothing but a small goddess, born solely based on the prayers of your parents and siblings of this world.
—I could save you because interfering with your upcoming future doesn't influence the earthlings' life in the slightest. The earth itself doesn't recognize your existence.
—The fate of your family.......I tried to change it many times but everytime it was useless.
Alijah closed his eyes and spoke tiredly.
"Why should I believe you?"
Although He said this, his inborn instinct told him that every word the voice spoke to him was true. He didn't know why but Alijah knew, the voice couldn't lie to him.
—Sigh~ so stubborn.
The goddess didn't answer Alijah's question but instead asked him another question.
—Have you ever thought why I never transported you from the earth in your early years?
Alijah didn't answer.
—It's simply because I didn't have much power. Do you know who gave me this power in the desolate Earth?.......I have gained it from the prayers of your parents and your only sister from earth.
Alijah opened his eyes abruptly. There was disbelief written all over his face.
I am exclusively your god. I can absorb any kind of goodwill for you and turn it into my power.
—Alijah, there are so many people, wanting you to be happy. They care for you like their precious treasure. In this world, when you were lost due to various circumstances, your parents' hope and pure prayers gave birth to me. Their prayers were so strong that it even went through the time and space and reached a different world. Later, in earth your family's pure wishes for you made me capable to perform such a difficult task of transportation between two different worlds.
      Alijah, if you give up now, you are not only giving up on  yourself but also destroying their you are literally killing their hopes on you.
     This new least give it a try. You always wanted a family right? Although you can't forget your past painful memories but think for you really want to totally forget about your past family?
     Although, the happy memories with them are very few, they are still there, right?
—Why don't you try to meet your new parents and siblings. They are still waiting, you know? You can even create a new family of your own.
—Remember, ASTASEUL– that's your family name.
The goddess paused for a while, then again spoke,
—Perhaps, you don't know, I have been always with you Alijah. I have watched you growing up. Protecting you when you are about to die. But I can't accompany you anymore. I have used up all my energy including my vitality for transporting you in this world. So please don't waste my effort.
—My child, I know living is the most painful thing for you but try it for one last time. I promise it will surprise you.
The woman's voice slowly started to grow milder and milder. Alijah's eyes were like that of the lost sheep's that was searching for it's path.
      Suddenly a figure of a enchanting woman with long  blonde hair appeared in front of him. The figure was floating in midair, shining dimly in the dark. The woman tilted her head towards Alijah. Her long hair fall upon him like a waterfall but they completely went through his body as if the strands were transparent.
      The woman reached out her hand to touch Alijah's cheek. Alijah didn't dodge. But the hand went through him like her hair. She said sadly,
Light, that's what I named myself. I wanted to bring only light on your life. But I think I have failed. At least, I have succeeded to lead you towards light. So must live on......alright?
      Her figure began to slowly fade into the darkness. But she fixedly stared at Alijah as if to demand an answer. Just as the goddess was about to completely blend with the darkness, Alijah softly replied.
"Alright, I will live."
The goddess smiled in relief. Then, she entirely disappeared.
Alijah dazedly kept sitting on the cliff without moving a bit. Many blood curdling roars of wild animals came floating from afar indicating the dangers inside the forest. But for some unforseen reason those dangers didn't approach Alijah.
       Like this the dawn descended upon the pitch black forest. Alijah again muttered under his breath,
               "Living.....I will give it another try."



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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