Help from a friend

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"Stop panicking, Harry! You're going to be fine."

Maybe Louis is getting a bit annoyed. He can't help it, though. Hearing your crush gibber excitedly and stressing over what cloths to wear for their date isn't that much fun.

Louis knows. Ever since Harry told him he finally found the guts to ask out that one girl he's been flirting with since september, Louis has had trouble hiding his annoyance.

Yes. Girl. Harry is going on a date with a girl.

"I knooowww, I know. But still, Lou!"

But still what?!

Go out with her al fucking ready, you've been flirting with her at school for months, Louis would've said if he wasn't Harry's best friend.

He really is his best friend, though, has been since kindergarten. The only problem is that he's maybe, like, not sure or anything, but maybe he's had a teeny tiny crush on him. For like... a year? Maybe.

He knows, he should either tell the sixteen year old boy, or try and get over him.

The latter is still in process, but let's say Louis doesn't really notice any actual process.

The first one is... complicated.

You see, Harry is straight. Supposedly.

He's going out with a girl and seems genuinely excited now, so Louis supposes he's not gay. He does think it's very plausible for his best friend to be bisexual, since he has pink pillowcases, stuffed animals and a flower-printed mouse pad in his room. Not to be stereotypical, but.

So. Anyways. Here he is, listening to Harry stressing out about how he hasn't ever gone on a proper date and doesn't know what to wear while he's running around searching for his shoes, almost slipping as he turns a corner on his cat printed socks.

"Lou I can't find my shoes! I have to leave in like fifteen minutes."

Harry comes to a stops as he looks at Louis sitting on the couch in front of the tv, relaxed as it is. (And very annoyed, but harry doesn't need to know that. Harry doesn't need a bad friend right now.)

"Haz, come here for a second." Louis speaks in a soft voice, holding his hand out to Harry from the couch, inviting him over. Harry sighs in relief of a break from his stress-fase, and lightly smiles at Louis' soft voice.

The curly haired boy comes closer to the couch until Louis can tug on his hand to make him sit down next to him, stroking his thumbs over Harry's smooth skin.

"Look, everything's gonna be fine. Your hair is gorgeous," Louis ruffles a bit at the sides to make it jump in more directions as he likes it, "Your eyeliner and mascara are honestly flawless, your skin is smooth-"

"Thanks, Louis. Really, but I'm just, scared...? I've never been on a proper date, I don't even know how to act. I'll constantly be overthinking. I don't know how to act comfortable if it's not with you. How am I supposed to-"

"Harry... You like this girl, right?"

Harry's quiet for a few seconds, making Louis frown a bit, "Right!?"

"Yes! Yeah, I like her. It's just, erm. I'm not sure I'd want her to be my-" Harry's eyes snap up to Louis', as if he said too much. It makes Louis curious, "I mean, erm. I've just, never... like-"

"Been with someone?" Louis guesses.

"No. uh, well that too. It's so simple, actually, it's silly," Harry chuckles lightely, looking at his hands in Louis', "I've never... ehm, kissed someone."

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