Who try to kill me again?

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(Wakes up strangely) why do I feel like I got shot did somebody just try to kill me again what is this black place? I never seen this place before why am I saying that I don't even know any of these places except for 1 (walks around The place) this place looks strange AAA Who the fuck are you(stairs very creepily) you're not scaring me anymore -_- you look like a damn spider thing oh ok you're not a spider thing you're a skeleton -_- and I probably know who you are Yep I definitely know who you are -_-how do you know who I am you probably don't remember me do you know I don't know who you are at all -_- but we are siblings( because of the creator said we are siblings) so we are siblings -_- -_- A note from The creator if I tell you who it is people we're gonna have a big problem OK so do not suspect to see any of him so were you trying to kill me yes but apparently I cannot kill you yeah everybody has tried to kill me but apparently I cannot die how can you not die everyone can die well apparently I have been stabbed before and The knife literally just went through me Anna did not kill me at all OK that is really strange and let me guess the bullet of the gun literally went through you yes it did -_-so why did you have to use a gun you're literally a skeleton -_- I don't know I just want to use the gun you could've just use a attack besides using a weapon I wanted to OK -_- just saying -_- (goes to sleep)

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