Characters and Personalities

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A/N: Hi everyone! Liv here! This is the first "chapter" that we are posting. It is just a list of all the characters (ships are characters too), and their kids. Obviously, people like Thalia and Reyna will be in the book, they just aren't mentioned here because they don't have kids. This page also includes every kid's personality! We hope you are excited for our first real chapter to come out! Thanks! 


Luke Paul Jackson - Nice, sometimes moody, lets the younger kids boss him around, is okay at schools, loves sports and swimming

Zoe Sally Jackson - Kind, 50% girly-girl, 50% tomboy, really smart, reads a lot, pretty, is best friends with Silena, does cheerleading


Esperanza (Ezzie) Kate Valdez - Mini version of Leo, smart, resourceful, sarcastic, funny, outgoing, has ADHD (all of them have ADHD, but Ezzie's is the most severe), plays soccer, Charlie's twin, best friends with Ava, loves pulling pranks

Charles (Charlie) Samuel Valdez -  - Sarcastic, kind-of quiet, more of an introvert, smart, resourceful, funny, Ezzie's twin, besties with Jacob and Ethan


Jacob Don Zhang - Quiet, really nice, smart, selfless, more of an introvert, is best friends with Charlie and Ethan

Emily Samantha Zhang - Introverted, smart, can be fierce when fighting but doesn't like to be in that position, quiet, is besties with Bianca


Silena Rose Grace - Kind, sweet, very sarcastic, outgoing, 60% girly-girl, 40% tomboy, pretty, loves fashion, besties with Zoe, does cheerleading

Dakota Tristan Grace - Reserved, introverted, overprotective, tries to act mature so he acts like Jason, plays basketball


Ethan Noah Rodriguez - Really good at fighting, but doesn't like picking fights, more of an introvert, average at school, nice, besties with Charlie and Jacob


Daisy Lilly Underwood - Youngest, nice, quiet, likes flowers and rainbows, average at school, looks up to all of the older girls, is like a sister to Bianca


Misty Tessa Stoll - Responsible, nice, annoys her younger sister (Ava), is like an older sister for Silena and Zoe, pretty good at fashion, good at school, does tennis

Ava Caroline Stoll - Trouble-maker, average at school, plays soccer, loves pulling pranks, besties with Ezzie


Lee Castor Stoll - Extroverted, can be annoying (to the girls especially), loves sports, is okay at school, loves playing pranks, plays football, is twins and besties with Micheal

Micheal Jake Stoll - 70% extroverted, 30% introverted, isn't as annoying as Lee, loves sports, is good at school, plays football, likes to garden with his mom and aunt (sometimes!), gets Lee and himself out of trouble (kind-of like their metaphorical getaway driver), is twins and besties with Lee


Bianca Maria Solace-DiAngelo - Extroverted, smart, outgoing, is like Will, loves playing instruments, she likes both black and other colors, wants to be a doctor, is besties with Emily

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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