Back into hold habits

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I walked into the familiar house.
I ran up to my bathroom and searched for my makeup bag, I found it under the sink.
I unzipped it and dumped all the things that made me feel at peace, my blades and my pills.
I picked up my razor and closed my eyes, and thought. I remembered how Myles made me make him a promise to stop but Myles didn't care so here I was about to break it. I sucked in a tight breath and placed the blade at the base of my wrist and I slid it across, taking in the familiar feeling.
1 cut
2 cut
3 cuts
Each cut going deeper and deeper, blood dripping out.
I just sat there. Not crying. Not cringing in pain, but just, blankly staring.
Completely numb.
"Myles Hernandez broke me"
I reached for the package of sleeping pills, popped 6 pills into my hand and swallowed them, waiting for numbness to take over.
I decided to clean up my wrist, I found a bandage and wrapped up my wrist.
I walked out to see my dad standing there. Waiting.
"Good to see you, Lilly." he growled.

Another cliff hanger. 😂 oops. hope you understands loves.
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