Chapter One: Betrayal

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."


If you had told Sara a week ago that she would be juggling so much she would have probably laughed, rolled her eyes and carried on with her college work. Instead here she was driving to the carnival. One she had promised to help set up. One she didn't really feel like going to. One that she may have had a nightmare about.

The last week has been hectic to say the least. One moment she's looking after Mark whilst her dad works a late shift and Kyle is off doing god knows what- or more likely doing god knows who. Then when she finally has a good night's sleep after months of insomnia she's startled awake by a phone call that settles heavy in her gut like a stone in a pond.

Caroline's in hospital. Was the simple message she received.

Elena Gilbert was a lot of things, but someone with tact wasn't one of them. She also clearly needed a lesson in how to deliver news, because providing the barest amount of information and leading Sara to rush to the hospital in the early hours of the morning was something she never wanted to relive.

She could still remember the panic she felt, her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles shone white.

Everything was a numbed blur as she rushed to get ready after the phone call, a mismatched pair of socks and a t-shirt on backwards was the least of her worries as she made her way to the car. So many thoughts rush around her mind, how bad was Caroline hurt? What had happened? Last she could remember she was going home after founders day to look after Mark and then- radio silence.

Sara knew one thing. She couldn't lose Caroline, she was the only one that understood, the only one that could see into her mind and pull out her inner thoughts that not even she could sort through. She needs Caroline Forbes like the world needs air.

A violent shake of her head knocks the thoughts from her mind. It doesn't do well to dwell on such things, her mother would say.

Besides, Caroline was fine.

Sara could hardly remember arriving at the hospital, talking to someone behind the desk before rushing around in search of Carolines rooms. She could remember, however, who she ran into before she even made it to the room.

Damon Salvatore.

Equal parts handsome and infuriating.

She didn't like him.

What she did like was finding room 107 and seeing Caroline spread across the bed, muttering about how she was going to die of boredom as she idly flicked through the tv channels. Not a single hair out of place. The weight that evaporated from Sara's shoulders at the sight was indescribable.

Yet, instead of still sitting at her bedside, she was at the carnival. The smell of melted sugar hung heavy in the air as she pulled into the parking lot. There were so many other things she could imagine doing right now.

She hadn't even made it on time to help set up.

The sun had fallen a few hours ago, the moon a slither away from being full in the sky.

Sara isn't sure how long she sits in the car for, the engine long since gone cold as she watches the time move without her. She wanted nothing more but to turn the car back on and head home. Her pajamas and a warm blanket sounded a lot more appealing, but somewhere in the throng of people, was her brothers. Kyle, in a rare display of sibling affection, had decided to take Mark to the carnival. Sara had a sneaking suspicion Kyle was being punished for something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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