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moving on



When the event ended we all scurried off to Ri's afterparty. The party was actually pretty good for the first hour and then a bunch of people who weren't invited showed up and they wreaked the whole mood. Troye and I sat in the back of the club watching everyone and how they reacted.

We observed some of the other celebrities physically cringe at the crashers and how they pretended to be way drunker then they really were. I would look over to my side at Troye and catch his eye as we tried to hold off from laughing as we watched the desperate wannabes throw themselves at all the actors and musicians. They would smile awkwardly at the crashers and then go back to ignoring them pretty quickly, but that didn't stop them. They would "accidentally" crash into them and then start a conversation by apologising to them. Unfortunately this is what happens every single year and the wannabes never get past one word before the celebrities just walk away.

I will never understand how some people crave fame and attention. I have watched people close to me slowly degrade when they are exposed to that fame and that is not something i would ever wish on someone. People change when they're constantly being judged. They become afraid of anything that they might do to somehow jeopardise their status and due to that they're constantly on edge just waiting for someone with a camera to pop out and expose them to the would. When I think of the party crashers and how they clearly crave this attention, I know that they've never seen all the negatives, or even worse, they ignore them.

Enough was enough and I pushed my way through the crowd to a gloomy looking Ri. I could tell she wasn't happy at how tonight had turned out but i had a plan to resurrect it.

"Ri!" As I called her name her head swung up and she smiled sadly at me. I shot her a look of sympathy as I moved closer and whispered into her ear. "Party's moving to mine, only tell the people you want there." When I moved my head back to look at her, my brief words had flipped her smile into one of excitement. "Oh and tell everyone to not make it obvious when they leave." She smiled and nodded her head. I walked off and looked around for people to tell.

Cudi caught my eye as i saw him leaning against the wall staring at his drink trying to avoid the girl that was trying to talk to him. As i moved closer I saw that the girl was actually directing the conversation to Timothée who looked as uncomfortable as Cudi.

Cudi saw me moving closer to them and pleaded at me to do something with his eyes. I smiled and nodded as i forced myself into the situation. I put my hands on the girls shoulder softly. Timothée tensed up at my presence but I ignored it.

"I think you might need to go now sweetie." I told the girl. She flung her body around and faced me cleary annoyed. When i came face to face to her I could tell that she was older then me and that made me sad.

"Excuse me! I'm trying to have a conversation you bitch." She tried to push me away but i held my ground. A bit my inner cheek holding back my frustration.

"You need to go now." I said firmly as i put more force onto her shoulders. She stepped back a little and was clearly taken aback.

"Fine, I didn't even want to stay." I nodded at her patheticness and watched as she stumbled away. I knew she wasn't even going to remember this in the morning when she inevitably will be dealing with a crushing hangover.

I turned and faced Timothée who smiled at me. I could see how relieved he was from getting out of that situation and I found it funny how he clearly felt intimidated by her. Cudi swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to his side.

"I still don't know how you manage to always scare them off." He said into my ear. I turned to him and flashed him a childish smile.

"The Parties moving to mine and we're only telling people who we want there, okay?" I said firmly looking in between Cudi and Timothée. They nodded firmly and I quickly left them to make my way back to Troye.

When I saw him still at the place i left him I moved quickly to tell him the new arrangements. He saw my frantic behaviour and instantly looked concerned.

"We need to go and set up at mine now. I need you to call Sawyer and warn her that a lot of people are about to rock up at ours." Troye looked at me unimpressed and i smiled at him cheekily.

"You always have to involve yourself in everything, don't you?" I laughed at his jab at my personality.

"If I have to go to a party, it at least has to be good." He nodded and smiled at my response.

"Fair enough." We both quickly left and made our way back to mine. Me and Sawyer live in an industrial loft that sits on-top of an apartment block. It's covered in glass and looks out on the beauty of New York. When you think of the best house for any party, mine is instantly what comes to mind. So when we walked back into the front door we instantly started removing all the valuables and set up for the wave of people that would be arriving any minute.

When we first walked through the door I laughed at Sawyer who was all dressed up even though she was in her pyjamas when we left for the MET. A sense of pride spread over my face over how well we set up. I just knew that tonight was going to be great.

☆*:.。.| tainted | .。.:*☆


Tainted.         Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now