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The raven head male slowly tied his hair into manbun doing his tounge thing, His hands made its way to a drawer as he opened it, the drawer full of guns knives and other weapons, he took out a gun, which was carved with K.T.H He smirked as he caressed the gun softly

He put some bullet inside as he pulled the trigger,fixing it, suddenly a phone rang as he picked it up

"Gguk, I send some agents to look after them, Give them the location okay?" a voice says

"Kay noona" he says grumbling


"Junghwa-ssi, please find me a job, i need to work to find a home and live separately from my parents" Taehyung says his black eye bags making him look like a panda

"Taehyung-ssi, Why don't you go to Room 84 i'm sure Mr.Jeon will help you" The woman says softly her eyes on the laptop

"Mr.Jeon..? h-how old is he?" he asks eyes wide

"Umm 47..?" the woman now says looking at taehyung, as he sighs

"Thanks.." taehyung says before he leaves to room 84


Taehyung looks at the person infront of him with wide eyes

"Ohh, are you kim taehyung? Junghwa-ssi just told me about you" the older male who looked like he was in his 40's smiled as he took some papers

'w-who is he..? and why does he look like jeongguk!?' taehyung thought he was bewildered by the older male infront of him, he then snapped out of it

"U-Uhm, yeah i'm in a need to find a job" The older man nodded as he took some papers and started reading it

"Hmm, would you mind working as my assistant? i mean i saw your job experience and it seems your really good at assisting someone" he said looking at taehyung with a bunny smile on his face, that same smile

"Uhm, sure.."

. . .

Jeongguk brought the gun upto his head

"Name?" he asked his voice going so deep

"G-Gi yok" *BANG* one man dead, he continued killing each and every one

"Ahh, that felt good now i want to see my little prince" he said cracking his knuckles as he smiled creepily

He laughed, his eyes flashing red as his hair swung along

"My angel doesn't understand a thing about what happened to me when he left me.." he said sitting on the chair as he rocked himself, smirking

"He left me all alone for that bastard..pfff, i can now understand the misunderstandings, i make him mine anyways" He says licking his lips

. . .

Taehyung was feeling scared,the man looks the same as Jeongguk, but what if he meets him again? what if he takes juntae away from him, what if he kills him, what if-

The door opened making taehyung flinch

There.was.standing.the.infamous.JEON JEONGGUK


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