Part 30

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"Crap crap crap. What the fuck did I just do? God you are so stupid Ariana. That's it. It's done. Ugh, what is wrong with me?"

Dani looks up from where she lay, sprawled across her bed. "You good?"

"I'm supposed to be mad at him. But no. That didn't work out cause now I can't stop fucking thinking about him." I continue on, ignoring her question.

Kenley takes it upon herself to grab my shoulders, forcing me to stop and look at her. "Dude, what happened?"

"I fucked up. I fucked the fuck up." I say, the panic clear in my voice. "I fucked up everything that could possibly be fucked up."

"It can't be that bad." Kenley says in an attempt to comfort me, leading me over to sit on the bed with her.

"You have no idea." I reply to her in an almost whisper.

Dani stands up and moves to sit across from me, taking one of my hands as she sits down. I couldn't tell you which one, I can't tell my left from right. "Come on. Talk to me."

"No." I snap.

Kenley rolls her eyes as Dani tries yet again to get me talking. "Ari. We can't help if don't tell us what's wrong."

After moment of silence and deciding whether or not it was worth reliving what had happened, I figured that they were going to get it out of my anyways. Might as well save them and myself the trouble. "We danced. We danced to a song we wrote when we were younger."

Kenley gets a smug look on her face. "See, I was right. It's not that bad."

"You weren't there." I mutter.

Dani whacks Kenley across the arm. "No, we weren't. So you're gonna have to go into a bit more detail for us."

"I don't know. He just- he put the song on, then we started dancing." I explain. "It felt like nothing had happened. Like there had been no argument in the first place."

"Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?" Kenley points out.

"No, it's not. Cause shit did happen."

Don't get me wrong, it was incredible. I felt more in love with him than I ever had. Not that I really know what being in love feels like. I guess I can't even really say I'm in love with Luke, because nothing's happened.

It's just a crush. I fell for him. It's a classic wattpad story plot. 'I fell for my brother's best friend'.

And even if there could've been something, it doesn't matter now. We fought, it got bad, and now he's just messing around with me.

"Look, there never was anything and there never will be. He hurt me and some stupid little dance isn't going to make me forget that."

Dani looks at me with comforting eyes. "I do think you should try-"

Willie cuts her of as he appears the door, looking equally as stressed and panicked as I probably did when I showed up. "Ari, I really need to talk to you."

"Look, she's just-" Kenley begins.

"It's fine. What's up?" I ask, wanting to put Willie's issues before my own. I'll have plenty of time to deal with them later.

"Can we..." Willie mumbles, motioning to the door.

"Sure." I say with slight sigh, standing up from the bed and following him out into the hallway, being sure to close the door behind me.

"We got into a fight." Willie begins.

"Who?" I question him, unsure of who he could be talking about.

"Me and that guy I like." He says with a confused expression. "I told Dani to tell you about that."

I must look equally confused, as this is the first I'm hearing of the situation.

"Well anyways," Willie continues, brushing it off. "It's one of the guys that were with me when you guys were playing at the club. The tall one. Blonde, really cute."

I think I see where this is going. "Wouldn't happen to be Alex, would it?"

"How do you-"

"And now Willie's in love with my brother." I cut him off, throwing my hands in the air.

"Wait your- But I thought-"

"It's fine." I cut him off, once again. "Now what about this fight?" I ask.

"Well, I may have said some things..." He mutters under his breath, drawing out the end.

"I swear to god Willie, If I find out that you hurt him-" I say with little tiny bit more passive aggressiveness than I had been speaking with before.

"He made me do it." He blurts out.

Now this confuses me. "Alex made you-"

"Not... Alex." He explains quietly, in an almost whisper.

I copy his tone, speaking equally as quiet. "Then who?"

After a few moments, the unsure silence is cut. "Good evening. How are we all feeling this afternoon?"

Willie instantly tenses up at the sound of Caleb's voice, coming down the hall.

"Not too bad." I reply to him. "And you?"

He looks at me with a smirk, before repeating my answer. "Not too bad."

Caleb continues down the hallway, passing us as he does.

In the split second that his shoulder bumps mine, an image flashes across the room.

It was quick, but it's hard not to notice when you see a vision of the three boys that you basically grew up with, desperately trying to remove the club stamps from their arms, with the one and only ghost magician standing above them.

Fucking visions. I thought only Harry Potter got those.

"You alright?" Caleb asks, turning back to look at me

I nod, trying to hide my shock and slight fear. "Never better."

And with that, Caleb continues down the hallway.




I know I've been dead for a few weeks, but I really needed a break from wattpad to focus on my school work.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part and I'm going to TRY and be a little more active until we get this finished.

Peace ✌️

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