Chapter Three: "So It Is Written..."

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   In the early morning hours, just before sunrise...


Aleksandr's small voice easily woke Zorana from her restless sleep.


"Gramma, Dyadya came to visit. He's downstairs!" the toddler sounded excited, but kept his voice as low as he could.

"What?" grumbled a large, brown lump from behind Zorana.

Konstantine was out of their bed just as Zorana's finger stabbed at the security alarm button hidden underneath the edge of her nightstand. Snatchign Aleksandr into bed, Zorana watched as Adrik, Douglas, Jasha, and Rurik flashed past the door of the Master Bedroom.

Avelina fought to keep her expression serene and her breathing shallow as the men of the  Wilder household pounded down the stairs. A now slightly feverish blush adorning her cheeks, she tossed and turned, attempting sleep yet again. Avelina jumped, startled as a very large, cool hand on her forehead.

"Was he here?" came the deep, stern rumble that left no room for a denial. Avelina felt herself blush even more, and she nodded.

"But he's gone, Papa," she croaked, opening her eyes as someone cut the lights on.

She heard a grunt and looked from Konstantine's blue-as-a-winter-sky gaze to see Adrik, with disappointment written all over his face, put the safety back onto a Glock .45. Avelina sat up with Konstantine's help and was wrought with a coughing fit. Firebird padded down the stairs with Aleksandr on her hip, the other women close behind her. Zorana made a bee-line for the girl. The little old woman tutted as Avelina croaked a "yes" to her "Are you feeling better?".

"We will talk over breakfast," Zorana nodded firmly.

"Tell me,  Little Eve," Konstantine lifted her easily to her feet. She leaned on her adopted father for support as she steadied her with an arm around her shoulders.

"He was... worried," Aveline began. "He tends to worry easily where I am concerned." She groaned softly and closed her eyes, as her vision had tmeporarily blurred.

"A killer who worries over his victim's well-being?" Jackson Sonnet scoffed haughtily. "Please."

Wrinkling her nose at him, Avelina said, "You do not know him, Dyadya. He worries because... because it is complicated and--" she stopped herself as Konstantine sat her down at the seemingly small kitchen table.

"Because?" Jasha huffed impatiently, eyes narrowed.

Zorana merely pulled a tuft of his growing hair, earning an apologetic grunt in response. Avelina sighed heavily, unsure of how to proceed. It was so goddamned complicated! Nothing was easily explained in their world, and this sure as hell was no different. There was so much not any of the Wilders knew; so much she had to say with so little time to say it! It was putting Avelina on a thin edge. The kitchen around her grew quiet as concerned gazes fell on the second youngest of the family. Aleksandr padded to his aunt, still bow-legged. He wouldn't let anyone help him, however, as he took a  moment to struggle onto the bench beside Avelina.

"Pretty Eve, you can't leave!" he exclaimed rather loudly in protest as he pulled on her t-shirt. "Tell Dyadya to leave you alone-- you'll get better!" Avelina stiffened at Aleksandr's plea, the toddler glaring at her from her lap.

"Avelina. What is he talking about?"

"Oh, he'll leave you alone, sure as hell," Rurik slipped an arm around Tasya's waist.

"He already as hell to pay," Adrik shrugged nonchalantly. "What's a few Demon-Possessed killing machines?"

"Formerly Demon-Possessed killing machines, you mean?" Jackson rose a brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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