Chapter 15

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Vanessa POV:

I woke up dazed. I sat up slowly, my throat ached and my stomach felt tight.

I reached over and turned off my alarm.

The bright rays of the sun flooded my vision, making me pull my covers back over my head.

I almost went back to sleep until I remembered that I had to work so I begrudgingly got up.

I stretched my arms while yawning, my throat burning. I was so sleepy.

The sound of snoring made me look over to see Tam who was sleeping with the comforter barely on her.

She must have climbed in with me when I went to bed after getting sick.

I pulled my floral printed comforter over her and got ready for work.

Once I was out the shower and my teeth were brushed, I got dressed into a cream colored business suit along with white tank undershirt to go underneath.

Grabbing my white pumps, I started boiling a pot of hot water to make tea for my sore throat.

I made sure there was plenty of honey and ginger before I took a cautious sip after blowing on it.

My throat felt somewhat better after the drinking full cup.

I quickly washed it out and grabbed my keys to leave.

I doubled checked and made sure the door was locked before I walked to my car.

My commute seemed to take longer than it usually did. I guess it was because the news that Tam told me last night threatened to consume my mind.

I wasn't thinking about it but I could feel the thoughts slowly coming to my mind. Each passing thought seemed to be greater than the rest.

So I blasted some music from my playlist to fight the lingering thoughts.

With the music, it seemed like I got to work in no time, effortlessly parking near the front doors in no time.

"Hi Lucy." I geeeted waving at her as I entered.

"Morning." She said back, waving over at me.

"A few clients have already left you a some messages." She handed me the message slips.

"Thank you." I said, taking the slips and heading to my office.

The decor in my new office was the same minus the photos that I took with my ex-husband.

The pictures that I had with my former significant other who must not be named were currently at the bottom of my paper shredder.

In place of the old photos were pictures of
myself along with the other important people in my life, most of them fairly recent.


I had my spreadsheets finished before lunch and I was practically free. The messages from earlier were already taken care of.

All I had to do was respond to the ridiculous email from clients asking which the latest yatch or newest luxury car they should purchase.

My stomach still ached but as long as I didn't move around too much I could make it through the day.

The Lofi music I had playing in the background was lulling me to sleep by the moment.

I was almost asleep when my office door opened. Looking up, I saw Tam carrying a bento box and Tupperware container.

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