(Part 2)

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When I wake up to music and the sunshine in my eyes. I hear the bed shaking and the music stop. Then Zamir was just fake sleeping and I said "Come on wakeup!" Then Zamir has a face of makeup like someone did it for him and see Naomi holding a palate of makeup under my bed! And they looked like clowns! I laughed so hard I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and wash my hands. I see clown makeup in my face and I run back to the dorm and they ran away I got so mad I wiped the makeup off my face and went to eat breakfast. Where there was Waffles, Pancakes, Fruits and Veggies and the drinks where Apple Juice, Orange juice and water I was so happy the slushes where closed so Zamir didn't have another sugar rush. (To be honest I would've done the same thing) I ate some fruits and drank apple juice then Zamir and Naomi awkwardly sit down on my table thinking I was going to bite them or something. "So do you forgive us?" Naomi said. I said "Maybe but don't do it anymore lol" then we all laughed and ate our breakfast. Zamir said "Breakfast Sucks I want more slushes" then I said "I guess breakfast sucks but it's only because you like the food and the slushes from lunch" I made a aggravated face. Zamir asks me "Would you be my friend if so let's go drink fifty more apple juices" then I said "I am already your friend but I will take a pass on the apple juices..." Zamir then grabs me and drinks all the apple juices and we only drank five since we got so full. Then Me and Zamir go to the lovebirds fruit place with Naomi because she has the key to open and close the place. Zamir goes in happily and I say "Watch your step!" As he almost falls in the fruit. Zamir says "it smells so good in here!" Then I say "Sorry thats my perfume the fruits don't have any smell but only when you find your true love!" Zamir says "Well my true love is slushes so I must smell at least something."
Then I giggle as he says that and we hear footsteps and me and Zamir run out together in to our dorm while Naomi locks the lovebirds fruit place and runs to her dorm with my other friend. Me and Zamir laugh and I give him a book to "fake read" so the "watcher" passes through our dorms to see if everyone is fine and then 2 hours later when me and Zamir where playing a few boards game, never have I ever and truth or dare and laughed a bit, We heard the bell ring and we hold hands together and we ran out of our dorm together to get some lunch. We ate 24 slushes! We barely even ate food and just had a few sugar rushes and we laughed and ran back to our dorm and slept. A few days passed and we where best friends we would always laughed, Hold hands when we went to lunch, We went to the indoor movies and shared a big bucket of popcorn. We tried to beat our record of drinking 24 slushes but never happened. And one day Naomi was chasing around Zamir with a bat and Zamir literally jumped off a chandelier! I'm so glad he was alive he just sprained his ankle but he had to wear an ankle brace for just 3 hours and it would be alright 3 hours later when I gave him his favorite ice cream,  took care of him and read him a book his ankle was just fine! Then Naomi told me what happened. Well, Zamir sneaked in to Naomi's room at night and Naomi has a slushy machine but she only uses it for lunch when the slushes ran out because we drank them all so then Zamir drinks some of the slushes that was in her room and then Naomi wakes up to all the slushes gone then she grabs the bat and hits Zamir cause he had one of the slushes in his hand. Then I told Zamir to stop drinking slushes because he almost died.

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