Are You My Daddy?

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Why can't I move? Better yet, why can't I breathe? I'm trying to pull some air into my lungs but nothing is happening. Panic begins to come over me. My vision is spinning and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. That's when I hit the floor.

   Someone pulls me into their arms and my hearing starts to come back. I realize the person is sobbing while they frantically smack my back.

   My hands and feet start to feel tingly and numb. I'm layed back on the ground and another person opens my mouth and forces air into my lungs then pushes down on my chest.

   The rest of my senses come back then and I take in a big breath of air.

   "Graham, can you hear me? Are you okay?" my mom asks. I look up at her and she pulls me into her arms.

   "Wh-why am I all wet? What ha-ppened?" I stutter hoarsely.

   "I'm not really sure. You collapsed and had a seizure or something."

   "A s-seizure?" I question innocently, my four year old brain not quite understanding.... What's a seizure?

   "Oh god, I should've known after you had those seizures when you were a baby," my mom sobs.

   I look up when I remember I was playing video games with my new neighbor, Dane, and my mom had thrown a party for them or something and I wasn't feeling too good.

   I hear sirens coming and next thing I know I'm being put in the back of it and being stuck by needles while a lady talks to me - asking questions maybe? - but it sounds like a foreign language to me with everything that's going on around me.


"You embarrassed us in front of our whole neighborhood! How could you! I can't even step outside our house without being ridiculed! It's all your fault, Graham!" Dad shouts and before I know what's happening I'm on the ground with pain spreading through my back and my mom screaming from the other side of the room but never stepping up to do anything. She's just as fearful as I am.

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