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It was barely afternoon but the sky was covered with black, dense cloud, making it as dark as the evening. Sometimes one or two golden lightning flashed between the clouds, followed by a loud grumbling noise.
     After a while it started to rain lightly. The weather turned even gloomier when it started to get windy.
     In the furthest corner of the Plockton town of Scotland, a single rundown hut stood alone amidst the dense vegetation, weeds and vines, still enduring the harsh impacts of the everchanging weather.
     In one look the small hut looked abandoned. The owner probably built it with the intention of enjoying a completely serene life even in this remote village. Although, in present the hut looked so fragile that it seemed, it would break down in the next second.
      But, as the surroundings became darker and darker, a weak light could be seen coming from the dust covered glass widow, attached to the only intact room in the front.
     Amidst the sound of the rain, a sweet singing voice of a woman came floating from the room. Sometimes the voice became mixed with few buzzing noises which made the singing distorted for a second or two. It was clear the singing voice was coming from a recorder as it was put into the repetitive mode.
     Inside the room a candle was silently burning. A dense smell of alcohol permeated the air. If observed closely, one could see that the floor of the room was drenched with some liquid. There were several big alcohol vats on one side of the room. Some of them leaked while some of them were totally turned upside down, some of them were still vigorously emptying their contents.
       A youth was leaning on the wall behind the bed, while listening to the song contently, with his eyes closed. He had a smile on his face, with no care to the pouring alcohol on the ground.
     The song was nothing special but a nursery rhyme, made into a song. Every children learns this song when they start their first education.
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star~
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in this sky
Twinkle twinkle little star~~~~
      There was no music in the song, only the woman's voice but the youth was listening to it repeatedly again and again. At this time, although he was smiling, a tear drop silently flowed down from one of his eyes. He muttered softly,"Mother, I am sorry. I....I still couldn't protect her. But I destroyed them thoroughly who destroyed our lives."
      As he spoke he lowered his head and covered it with his two hands, which were filled with uncountable scars.
"But, mother, father, I don't think I can live anymore in this world. I don't have the courage......"
     The youth unhurriedly reached for the small glass bottle on the nearby table. Then, he emptied all the capsules in it within his mouth and swallowed them with a entire glass of water.
       The youth looked outside through the hazy window. The rain was pouring down like a continuous stream. He smiled.
"It was a good day to leave the world."
        The youth moved from his sitting position and slipped into the comparatively new fluffy blanket on the fragile bed. He stared into steadily burning candle for a moment. He could feel the effect of the drug in his body. His eyelids grew heavier. He said with a regretful voice," Mother, Father, sister.....I really wish to see all of you........ I wish mother could personally sing this rhyme to me now....if there is an afterlife I don't think I will be ever allowed to meet you in the heaven. After all, my place will be in.....hell."
"My crimes, have I managed to atone for them even just a little? I can't continue to live with those memories anymore."
"I am sorry sister, I cannot keep your promise. I am really......"
     Drowsiness engulfed him as he laboriously stretched out his hand and knocked down the candle on the floor.
     The alcohol soaked floor immediately caught fire. It burned violently and soon reached the bed.
     The youth closed his eyes.
'I wish I can have my own family if reincarnation is possible. I wish I can forget all these memories and start a new life......'
     That was his last thought when he drowned into the internal darkness while surrounded by intense fire.
    After a while the tank containing the diesel, placed under the bed exploded under the high temperature. But even among the bright explosion, an even brighter light appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the youth's body. Afterwards he completely disappeared without leaving a remnant. Immediately after that the explosion engulfed the whole hut like some demon. The fire didn't go down even in the intense rain for a while.
      In the upcoming morning the villagers of the Plockton town visited the hut with the police. All of them looked very anxious. The young girls that came were covering their mouth to suppress their sobs. The grannies looked extremely sad.
A young police man questioned a native young man whose house was the closest to the hut.
"Are you sure, the youth lived here?"
"Yes! Of course! He was a very cheerful and helpful one. He said he came here for college holiday and to do some photography."
"Why did he stay in such a remote and rundown hut?"
"Well, he said he liked it quiet."
"What did you say his name was?"
"Oh! It was Alijah Lopez."
The policeman stiffened up. He then asked nervously,"Hey, how did he look?"
The young man said sourly,"Well, I have never seen anyone more handsome than see, these girls, they all fell for him in just the first glance.......but I really can't hate him for this after all he really is a good man........"
     The young man couldn't finish his words when a sobbing girl cut him off.
"Shut up! Don't speak nonsense! Officer, Alijah has pale golden shoulder length hair, a little curly though, the kind that shines under the sunlight. His eyes, deep blue, his skin, as while as snow. He was almost six feet tall. He has......"
The young sneared,"Now, who is speaking nonsense?"
The girl angrily huffed,"I am giving a general idea about Alijah's appearance.....Hmph.....Officer..I can tell He can not die in such a way...please find him."
The young man again sneered.
The girl was extremely frustrated," You..."
     They didn't notice that the policeman's hands were slightly shaking.
      At this moment the forensic Officers came out of the rundown hut.
"Officer James, I didn't managed to find any kind of human remain there. No one died here."
      The policeman's face paled. He hurriedly ordered his subordinates.
"Hurry, inform the superiors! This case will be handled by them! Seal the area immediately. No one is allowed to come here and place two officers to stand on guard nearby!"
     The police officer headed towards the car as fast as he could. He had to let the higher ups know about this now. He remembered what his elder brother, who was in a high position said to him yesterday.
'Alijah Lopez, an assassin. Pale golden hair, blue eyes, height six feet, age- twenty one years. He single handedly murdered each and every family member of the famous Colt family within a night. At the very end, he also left a video of himself exposing the extremely despicable acts of this family. Because of this video and evidence, many people of high status has been arrested overnight. The whole United Kingdom was in chaos right now. 
     But no one managed to catch any information about that man. It was as if he never existed in the first place.
     He didn't murder using any weapon. The dead bodies we discovered in the Colt family, only had one clean hit on their body. By judging the expression of the victims, those people probably didn't even know when they died or when the death reaper approached them.
      He is a very frightening existence. No, the term human cannot be referred to him. He has already surpassed the human limits.'
     The police car slowly went far and far from black charred hut, where Alijah Lopez had disappeared for forever.
     Years past by. But even if the law enforcement team overturned the whole world, they didn't manage to find a shadow of him. Slowly he was forgotten. His disappearance became a unsolved case file that began to gather dust, under many others.

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