Part one: new name

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This step is of-course optional, but as I said this is to start a new life.
And I mean a whole new life with only those you want informed too know you still exist.

I've already chosen my new name and have recently started arranging social media for it.

I've already done it once and I plan to do it again.
For legal reasons and prayers to be anonymous I never plan to legally change my name, but now in today's age tell anyone a preferred name and just explain that it makes you uncomfortable during a interview, or claim some sort of trauma with friends and they'll leave it alone.

Now do you want a generic name that blends in.
Like: karen, Mitch, barb, christa, Sam, mike, Mary, Robert, Jennifer, august, winter.

Examples can be seen in "too 1,000 baby names in the USA"

Or an more exotic one
Like: crystal, birdie, sapphire, Ivy, Ajax, joolls, Oracle, Quinn, Xander, Aero, Aspen.

Or something more in tune with the popular non-binary names that you can find listed on tiktok such as.
Examples: Leaf, Cube, Bones, Moon, Space, Spider, echo, lake, pond, weed, and Tiger.

There are millions more examples, but it would take years to find and list the names used in the USA alone.

Next come your last name. If you want to be "un google able" and be able to blend in easier even with social media
there are common names like
EXAMPLES: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Miller, White, Davis, Harris.

You could go with a winner like
Samantha, Mary, Williams. And blend into the results and into life

But if you want something that makes you stand out more, and you don't line being at the top or middle of the search results here are some of the least popular last names.

Example: Acres, Amis, Linney, LEVELL,
And stand out with a name like.

Pond, Mary, Acres.
Sapphire, Ivy, Miller...

Whatever it is make sure it's a name you like and one your comfortable with.
Because getting the name right, could decide on how comfortable you are being anonymous, or being a new person with a weird ass name

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