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"A date?"

It was 5:45 pm and the eldest kocho along with the eldest senju was rushing all over their compound getting ready for their date. While they were getting ready their youngest sibling asked what the the eldest was doing and they replied with:

Hashi/y/n:im getting ready for my date!

Tobi/shinobu:your what...?

At the butterfly compound

Y/n:my date.

Shinobu was quiet


No answer

Y/n:s-shinobu? You good dear imouto?

Shinobu:... Who is he...?

Y/n:eh? Uhm well-


Y/n:*ara ara (sweatdrop) i think dear shinobu will kill hashi kun if she hears his name* n-no one...

Shinobu:neesan who is your date...?

Y/n:u-uhm- Oh! Would you look at that! He will be picking me up right now so bye dear sister!

Shinobu:Eh?! Oi! Neesan, wait!

But it was too late since y/n was already out of her vision. Aoi then came into the room where shinobu is along with sumi, kiyo and naho.

Aoi:why were you yelling at y/n san, shinobu san?

Shinobu:she... Have a date...

Aoi:well thats good don't you think? She will have little kids running around after she's married!

Sumi: i agree with aoi chan!

Kiyo:me too!

Naho:me three!

Shinobu was getting irritated by the agreements with y/n getting a date which was a big no no for her so she decided to spy on them to figure out who he is.

At the senju compound

Tobirama:do you actually have a date?

Hashirama:how many times have i told you tobi? Yes, i do have a date! Do you not trust me that i don't have a date?!

Tobirama:well you are stupid sometimes so im surprised someone likes your tiny brain anija.

Hashirama:(gets depressed) you're so mean tobi...

Tobirama:stop calling me tobi!

Hashirama:(looks at the time) GAH! IM LATE!

Hashirama then run to his room to get ready, leaving his brother there alone. Tobirama still didn't trust he had a date though. He thought that his brother only said that so he didn't have to do the paperworks.

Tobirama:*should i follow him so he isn't lying? ... Im going just in case...*

Hashirama's P. O. V

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