Victory || Chapter 34

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I have been waiting for this moment for so long. Or, well, since Dream told me I should after our speed run stream. That actually wasn't to long ago, but it sure feels like it.

Chat was filled with "POGGG", "LETS GOO" and some of my twitch emotes.

"I'm gonna join the vc with my team chat, but first I wanted to say, I'm sorry if I miss your donation I most likely won't see it because this is a competition, secondly, if you jump between streams, do not tell the other teams game plan because that's just a shitty thing to do, and last thing," I said looking right into the camera, "PINK PARROTS FOR THE WIN! OUR TEAM IS GONNA WIN!"

"YEAHH LET'S FUCKING GOO!" Quackity said leaning over from the right to the camera of my stream.

"Oh, and by the way chat, I am now a temporary resident in Quackity's house."

"Yeah," Alex said agreeing, "you should be fucking glad because im letting you live here for free. You're not the one paying pal!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Well don't worry, because I'm gonna be paying you back in this MCC by carrying you pal!"

I laughed and so did chat. Quackity wasn't quite amused.

"Pink Parrots plus Quackity for the win!" Wilbur said as I joined the vc.

"OH FUCK OFF AaSSHOLE!" Quackity yelled with a voice crack. We all started laughing.

"aSsHoLe." George said mocking him.

"Oh, my name is georgenotfound, i sleep all day and im so funny ahahaha." Quackity said mocking George in a babied british accent.

George giggled "Any askers?"

Alex laughed, "ANY ASKERS?"

They kept on laughing.

glad they're getting along...

I looked beside me to see Alex seriously dying of laughter. It wasn't even that funny. I couldn't believe he was laughing at George. His head slammed down on the desk.


"Milfs..." Wilbur said with an echo, breaking the silence and making all of us laugh even more.


The gates finally opened as we entered decision dome. My team and I walked in. Next thing you know, we're in a little tube with chicken eggs.

"I think we should choose the ones that we're okay at first and then the ones that were good at later to bring us back to the lead." Wilbur said.

"Okay then..." I said, "How about build mart?"

"No, please no."Quackity complained.

"Oh, come on!" I said, "It's not that bad, plus then we can get it over with!"

"Fine." He said.

"I think our second option should be hole in the wall then." Wilbur suggested.

"yeah." George agreed.

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