Chapter 4: The Festival, Pt.2 (Date Night)

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The Festival Part 2: Date Night

After completing some more writing jobs, I had gotten quite thirsty and in need of some ice-cold water. I grabbed the ice bucket and headed to the manager's office.

Once in the office, I called for Derik, using the bell on the counter this time. I didn't see an ice machine anywhere, but the presence of the ice bucket told me that they did have one. I rang the bell once more and then heard the sounds of someone moving around. The door opened and out stepped not Derik, but a younger man, no more than, say, 23. He was slender, bearded, and wore a dark red flannel, skinny jeans, and a grey beanie, as well as a prominent pair of black gauge earrings. Yeah, definitely not Derik.

"Hi," I said, "where's Derik?"

"He said he wasn't feeling too hot or something, so he asked me to step in for today.  I'm usually just here on the weekends.  Name's Elliot.   Pleasure," he said to me, holding his hand out, which I promptly shook.

"Well, Elliot, I was hoping to get some ice, but I didn't see an ice machine anywhere."

"Oh yeah, sorry.  I'll take that bucket from ya.   Our ice machine is back here.  It's a little janky."  I handed it to him and he proceeded to head to the side of the desk where there was a surprisingly small, black ice machine.

"Thanks.  So, what's going on with Derik?"

"I don't really know.  He sounded upset.  Not, like, mad or anything, just like, real upset, know what I mean?  Like something was out to get him or some shit like that."

At that point he handed me back a full ice bucket.  "Thank you again," I said, grabbing the bucket, "one last question."


"What do you think of Derik?  He's a little odd, isn't he?"

"Yeah, I mean, he's been acting strangely lately, that's for sure.  He's usually a pretty chill guy."  At this point, Elliot took a swig of some beer.  Drinking on the job.   Very professional.

"Any idea why?"

"No clue.  He did mutter something about a secret, but I have no idea what he was talking about. Whatever he's on, I want some."  He chuckled at this and took a sip of drink again.

"Right, well thanks Elliot."

"Anytime friend," then he left to the backroom once more.  It wasn't like me to be so nosy, but there was something about Derik that just felt off to me. I wanted to know his story. It was like a slight itch that wouldn't leave. I had a feeling that he was important in some way.

After resting a bit, I realized that the festival wasn't for a few more hours still and I had nothing to do, so I decided to call up the library in the hopes of reaching Willa. I thought that, maybe, she'd want to grab a late lunch/early dinner with me. Although I was resistant, she was definitely wearing me down and I found myself wanting to see her.

"Hello, Blackgrove Public Library," said the voice on the phone. I recognized the caring, buoyant voice. It was definitely Willa.

"Hey, is this Willa?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Hey it's Dakota. I don't know when you're off but I've got some time to kill before the festival and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab something to eat."

"Oh hi! Yeah I'd love that. I'm actually off in about five minutes. I'm just gonna head home real quick and change. I'm super close by, so meet you in the square in about 20 minutes?"

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