Chapter Two

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I suppose it would be best to explain how I got into this business in the first place. To do that, I'll have to go waaaaay back, to when I was in Kindergarten.
I didn't start with killing, I was just payed to get other kids in trouble. My first and most faithful client was Bruno Frederick Phineas Wilson. Bruno was very proud of his name, or should I say, names. A few times I had gotten kids in trouble to avenge myself, and Bruno had seen a few of them. He was no idiot, and he figured out a way to make use of my abilities. It was in the winter, almost the end of the first semester when Quentin Blake fought with Bruno. Bruno had wanted to use Quentin's new bike, and Quentin had refused all offers. Bruno was now angry, and so he decided to get revenge. It was almost time to leave when Bruno came up to me. "Hey Allie."
"Hi Bruno!"
"Allie, could you, um, maybe do me a favor?"
"No." I said with an eye roll. Why was everyone always asking me for favors?
"Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase Allie? I'll give you my cookie tomorrow!" Now I was interested. Every day, Bruno brought a big homemade cookie. Usually they were chocolate chip, and that was my favorite kind. "What do you want?" I asked, now very willing to help. Bruno then related the story of Quentin's bike, and told me that he wanted me to get Quentin in trouble. "Just make him get grounded or something." I consented, on the condition that Bruno give me two cookies in the next week, and then he went on his merry way.
The next day, I told Quentin that Hannah Topman had said he was a baby who couldn't even punch anybody. It was a bad lie, but it worked out fine. About ten minutes later, Quentin walked over to Hannah, glared at her, and then he punched her in the belly. Our teacher, Ms. Reilly, was shocked. She had never had any trouble from Quentin before and she sent him home with a letter to his parents.
Bruno was happy, and I got my cookie.

Over the years, up until graduating high school, I was the "high school hit man". After Bruno, most of the work I got was through referrals. Many people knew about me, but couldn't say anything or I would get them grounded, suspended, or worse. I even got somebody expelled once.
In my freshman year of high school, I was in class with a girl named Kyra. Kyra was a nasty piece of work. She was a gossip, she bullied the less popular kids, and on top of that she was nasty to everyone. One particular student, whom I will not name, had had enough of being bullied. So she came to me and asked me to get Kyra thrown out. I charged about two hundred dollars, and she payed willingly. About a month later I slipped some drugs into her bag while we were walking down the halls. My client, as agreed, "accidentally" picked up Kyra's bag instead of her own. She showed the evidence to a teacher, and Kyra was expelled.
At this point, I was the underground ruler of the school. None of the teachers suspected a thing, but all the students knew that there was a person who could get you in endless amounts of trouble, and those closest to me knew better than to refuse to do what I asked. I didn't ask for much, I refused to blackmail anyone. After all, I'm an honest business woman.

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