A Normal day in Ninjago City

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(some songs I have on here might have some language or topics that are uncomfy for some people. you have been warned)

"Make it a great day, the choice is yours" was always said through the halls of Ninjago High school at precisely 8:00 AM right before the classes start and I crave the need to smack my head against the hard surface of my desk. Though with Mrs. Wills giving me the side eye every 30 seconds or so made it difficult.
Nothing has changed sense the first day of school, which was 24 weeks ago. Get up, Eat breakfast (if I want to, rarely), brush teeth, buy canned coffee on my way to the bus stop, skipping the bus stop because the bus doesn't give to rat's tails if I make it or not, go to school, get lectured on what I did wrong, get shoved in lockers, pick fights, then get sent home, and repeat.
The life of Matt G. Garmadon isn't that special, well if you don't know that her dad is a four-armed warlord that tried to conquer the city like every few weeks or so. Which everyone used to judge Lloyd and herself.
Speaking of the bleach blonde haired 18 year old, here he was coming now, walking through the school door just as he always does. With his friends like a pride of lioness's protecting their cubs. Unlike all of the normal days at school, I waited at his locker, my eyes flickering in different directions, analyzing the area I was in.
"Hey squirt, how have you been,". Cole made me jump as he walked by me with his radio on his shoulder. (How does he hold that thing all the time).
I answered with a nod of my head, and a small smile.
Out of all of Lloyd's friends, Cole is my favorite (though Zane did make some pretty cool cookies)
Though Cole somewhat understood me in a way, even though he never has been through it himself. He makes it up with slight gestures, like letting me use his turntables to make music, showing me how to control, and use my pent up emotions.
"Matt check out my new paint job!" Nya said as she slid her fingers over the new paint job on her mother cycle "it's of my Hero, Lady Iron Dragon"
"It looks so cool" I put my hands on the paint, following the lines of the artwork. Not even wondering of how she got the vehicle in the school.
"I know, did it myself," she put her hands on her hips proudly.
The boys crowd the bike as the too check the paint job of the once famed warrior of old times. I zoned out as I fidgeted with the pocket of my hoodie I picked out. It was grey, like my shorts just a little darker.
I look at my phone, realizing it was almost time for my bell to ring. I hug Lloyd, telling him a happy birthday as he hugs me back, and I take off running towards the freshmen hallway, dodging Chen and his cheerleader group full of jerks.
The school day went just as the same
I thought, only for the ground to start shaking, and the "Garmadon is coming" alarm going off.

"Here we go again." I groan to myself as o slump in my seat, not bothering to duck and cover under the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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