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Ink's POV

Me and the gang are now outside of the castle
Well...Nightmare told us to go outside so...
"Okay! Today is also the day..hmm..ok lets get to the point,Ink,today we'll train you" He said
"Why me? Its not like I'm a teenage who doesn't know how to fight or something?" I asked,annoyed
Suddenly, one of his tentacle became sharp as it quickly launched towards me
I was surprised
'Dodge you idiot!'
Welp...I didn't dodged it but I wasn't got hit either one hit or something
His sharp tentacle was just infront of my face
"*Sigh*...I told u,you still need more training...it's not just in fighting,it's also in you being alert and not let your guard down" He muttered
Ooh...now I get it
'I knew he's testing you'
'Yeah yeah,shut up'

"Okay,Killer,fight Ink
Whoever wins,will have a day off...no jobs for a whole 2 days" Nightmare said
Me and Killer are now facing at each others
"How about make it 3 days?" Dust asked
"Shush,u may start now" Nightmare said
"What about my weapons?" I asked
"No weapons is for you ..." he trailed
"Just...start now" he added
"Heh...kay boss" Killer said then summoned his knives and launched towards me
I back way and quickly dodged all Killer's attack with his knives
He swings one of his knife above me as I bent down and swinged my leg to make him fell down but he just jumped back and threw his knife at me as I stood up and about to dodge it until...

"I have bad news!" Dream exclaimed who just entered from the portal behind him and Blue
•Everything went slow motion•
I was shocked as the knife was now gonna hit my face and closing the gap
"*gasp* Ink!" Blue yelled
I closed my eyes and in a defense stance

Well...it was taking too long to hit me
I opened my eyes and calmed myself down to see a goopy tentacle infront of me and was being stabbed with the knife
Wait...this isn't Nightmare's tentacle...
'Of course it isn't his,it's ours'
'U need more practice, need to be alert as always and don't pay attention to the others while u wear in the deep of fighting'
'Sigh...okay okay,thanks btw'
"Hmm...so new ability unlocked" Horror stated
"Dream,what the heck??
Didn't you see we're in the middle of-"  Nightmare said but got cut off by Dream

"Look,I'm sorry okay!
I swear I didn't mean to!" He exclaimed
"Y-yeah!" Blue said
I sighed as Killer just crossed his arms
"Now what is it? Did u found it or something?" I said and glared at the two
"Sadly no...but there was a weird note inside your box" Dream said and walked towards me
"Note? I don't remember writing a note and putting it in a box...
Speaking of box,the box that was under my bed right?" I said then asked
He then showed me the note he was talking about as I took it and started reading it...
Nightmare also stood beside me to read the note


"Hmm...This hand writing is unfamiliar and I wonder who wrote this..." I muttered
"Maybe 404,Bill, or one of their minions or something" Nightmare said
"We're not really sure yet...the word 'juvenile'...isn't that a-" I said but Nightmare cut me off
"Another word of a kid? Pfft no way" he laughed
"Let's just get inside...Ink,your training will be continue tomorrow" Nightmare said,I just nodded

Nightmare's POV

Hmm...I still need Ink to be stronger so that he won't be defeated easily
We are now at the living room sipping coffee that was newly made by Ink..
I put down the empty cup then stood up
"Where are u going?" Ink asked
"I just need to get some fresh air for a while" I lied as he nodded
I teleported to the Anti-Void
Hmm...why Error's been missing for a whole day
I'm just curious tho
I started walking as I arrived at his area that has a beanbag and some blue strings on the ceiling
I looked around
He's not here...

"Looking for him aren't yah?" Someone suddenly asked
I turned around to see a 7 or 8 year old kid aiming his arrow at me
Arrow..? Wait...who the heck is he?
I haven't seen him before
He has star shaped eyes that has yellow and green color
His clothes are kinda white?(lol,I know u know him already so I don't wanna describe him....I'm lazeh)
"Who are you..?" I asked
"Guess it yourself" he said then launched his arrow at me as I easily caught it with my tentacle
"That's it? Pfft,you're just like my brother who doesn't think carefully" I said then chuckled
"Heh...make sure about that...'uncle'" He said then grinned evilly at me
I was now very confused

I then suddenly felt pain on my tentacle as if it was burning
"A-Ah! What's happening!?" I asked as my tentacle melted along with the arrow
He then teleported us somewhere else,it was an AU
"Now where did u take me!?
Where am I?? Answer me now!" I yelled
He just chuckled and teleported away
I felt my tentacle started to grow again
I can tell it was an acid...
Did he put an acid on his arrow??
But why his arrow was melted also?
How am I gonna prove the others that I just encountered a crazy kid

"My my,what do we have here?" Someone suddenly asked
I turned around to see Lust
Ugh...the slut
"Now what do u want??" I asked,annoyed
"I should be the one who ask that cuz you're in my home~" he cooed and walked closer to me
I started walking backwards
Oh so...I'm in Underlust..
This is stupid
"Get the heck away from me!" I yelled as I launched my tentacle at him but he dodged it and threw some of his magic at me which I became dizzy a bit
"The heck was that!?" I asked
"Hehehe,find out yourself,dear~" he cooed and teleported away
Now I felt weird like today has a hot weather even it's snowing...
"Hey come back! What did u do to me!?" I asked and started sweating
Uhh...am I having a fever or something? Fuck

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