✧ feeling like shit ✧

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Lilys POV:
I feel bad I've been avoiding Zari for almost a week now she probably thinks I hate her or something. I mean I kinda dislike her but I don't hate her. Lemme rephrase that I don't dislike her because she's mean I just find it hard to interact with people that are so....hyper.

    I sound like a asshole but it's true. I can barely strike a conversation with my aunt how am I supposed to talk to somebody I don't know so confidently. I want to talk to her I want to get to know her I just don't have the confidence to.

   She looks nice and acts nice. She's pretty caring too based of the way she has treated me I want to apologize for being a dick but how? "Oh you know the asshat that ran away when you where giving a awfully kind gesture to them? That's me I'm the asshat!!". I just hope I don't see her tomorrow.

   It's finally lunch and we got a 30 minute break, sweet, isn't it? I sat at the farthest bench I could find from the crowds of people there.

   It seems like everyone already has there own groups. I weirdly feel left out? Usually I don't care but damm I'm a high schooler and I still don't have friends yet that's just sad. While I was spacing out and eating my sandwich I noticed somebody. Somebody pink and blue.....

    OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS ZARI! SHES APPROACHING MY TABLE!! QUICK ACT NATURAL!!! I managed to put myself in the most uncomfortable position ever on a bench. She sat at the bench I was posing? at and looked at me like she was the one sorry. "H-hey! Zari was it? hehe...." I managed to mumble out.

   "Hi Lily! Um so...how's it going?" Zari said. She looked sad but was still smiling. I felt bad if I wasn't so rude I wouldn't have ruined a friendship I could of had. "I-i'm doing ok how-um-are you?" I said awkwardly.

   "I'm fine, thank you for asking!" Zari said in a forced upbeat voice. "Um-Lily I'm sorry for asking but why have you been avoiding me?" Zari said. FUCK SHIT FUCK SHE KNOWS! SHE KNOWS!!!

  "You see-um-well-uh-so-um-basically-uh..... I GOTTA GO!!" I bursted out. I jumped out of my seat and rushed to the nearest room I could see. W-wait!" Zari yelled. I felt more like shit each step I well stepped?

  When I made it into the room I realized it was the art class I snuck under a table and hid. I planned to stay there until break was over. God I need more things to do

Zari's POV:
   I ran into the art room where I saw Lily go into. "Hello! Lily are you in here?" I yelled. The class was mostly empty just a few desk and a couple of drawing on the walls. It was a mess to a bunch of markers and pencils where on the ground

   A piece with a fascinating drawing with a girl with a butterfly covering her face caught my eye. Woah this one looks really nice! I wonder who made it? I checked for any sort of name on it but there was nothing on it. Expect a L on it, is that the signature? Do I know any L's?

   Oh yeah Lily! I checked under the nearest table and sure enough it was Lily. We where quite close just making eye contact. I realized how close we were and tried to back up but I just ended up tripping on a marker.

   "Ow!" I said after bumping my head on the wall. "Oh god you ok?" Lily said panicked. "Yeah yeah I'm fine sorry for scaring ya.." I said. "Um Lily this is awkward to say here but do you uh well dislike me?" I said "I mean it's perfectly reasonable if you do I don't really have many friends because I make people uncomfortable alot like alot I understand if you never want to see me again-" I blurted until I  was interrupted.

   "I don't hate you Zari I just-god this is embarrassing to say but I just can't interact with people that well..." Lily said while looking down. There legs to her chest still under the table. I picked myself up from the weird position I was in and positioned myself in a kneel.

  "I can't interact with people either Lily." I said with a big goofy grin. Lily looked at me and smiled just a little. "R-really?" Lily uttered. "Yeah why would I lie about that?" I responded with.

    "S-sorry for like ghosting you I'm just awkward..." Lily said. I chuckled, I'm so glad she doesn't hate me maybe I'm not so bad after all.

I held out a hand to help Lily get out of  under the table. Lily grabbed my hand but then before I knew it she tugged me onto the ground with them. We both started laughing hysterically. I guess we lost track of time because we heard someone open the door.

   Me and Lily scrambled to our feet and tried to explain to Oscar the art teacher why we where in his class during break. Sadly, he ended up giving us 2 weeks of detention. We left the classroom and for some reason Lily started laughing?

   "Damm bro really committed gay on gay crime" she whispered but I heard. "Wait your gay?" I said. "W-what are you talking about! Heheh!" Lily was wrapping themselves in there arms. "A-anyways I need to go I have classes to attend to!" Lily started dashing through the hallways.

   I cant wait to be there friend!

A/n: sorry for the hiatus I suck at keeping track of things I'll try to update this more often for now on!

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