
480 17 2

unknown 🖤
*this a short filer chapter made to fill you in longer chapter is being made

I ran down the streets it's been years since I been here so I didn't know where I was going

I looked at the signs but nothing clicked

I ran to a near house & knocked

an old black lady answered

"hello " she said puzzled

"can I use your phone please I'm trying to contact my family " I said pleading

"cmon in baby , the phones by the counter " she said letting me in

"you hungry , I'm cookin " she said

"yes ma'am " i said dialing the number

" hello , pooter it's me this ain't a joke please let me talk to askiuh" I said begging

I heard the line pause & a voice come in

"hello " I heard her say

"ski it's me , I promise it's me " I said on the verge of tears

"vadah? " she said

"no can't be I visited your grave you were there " she said

"if this is some kinda joke this isn't funny " she said sounding like she's crying

"it's not I'll explain everything to you I just need the address " I said

"if your really vadah , then how did you die " she said

"I took those pills I got from my mom , I tried to overdose and I wrote a letter " I said

"the address is 5960 sunset avenue " she said

"I'm on the way " I said hanging up

the lady handed me a plate with a spoon

I ate & asked her drop me off and she agreed

I gave her the address & we were on the road

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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