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𝖬𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗋 ✧
-You thought you were and started starving yourself cause you thought Mike would not like you if you were fat
-He assured you he still loved you and complimented you all day
-Made you eat at least a bit
-You felt 7/10 a bit better

-You thought you were too tall for him (again pls) and thought he didn't want a tall girlfriend
-When you finally told him the reason why you were insecure he was really nice about it
-Told you he didn't care about how tall you were
-9/10 feeling better

-Insecure about your face
-You told him one day he was at your house
-He felt bad deep down cause he thought it was his fault
-He made some jokes to try to make you feel better
-Took it seriously after a few mins
-He kissed your whole dang face to prove his point
-By the end you were a pink mess
-9.5/10 better

-You were insecure about your weight in general
-He promises he didn't care about it
-Carried you everywhere when you were alone
-Started eating a lot so he could get fatter and make you feel better
-10/10 better

-You were insecure about your butt🙂
-She laughed when you told her

"I'm insecure about my ass"

"Y/n are you kidding me HAHAHAH"

"Maxine Mayfield take me seriously right now.🙄"

"Okay but n/n your ass is cute"

"Please🙄🤚 You're just saying that cause you're my girlfriend"

-Literally kisses your ass
- Welcome to Squats with Max and y/n
-9/10 feeling better

-You were insecure about your teeth
-He thought they were fine
-You insisted they weren't
-He said to get braces if you wanted to
-You said you wouldn't look nice in braces
-He argued against it
-You told him you would think about it
-Talked and he made you feel a bit better
-7.5/10 better

- Insecure about your smile
- "What do you mean? You have a very...pretty smile."
- She kept blinking in confusion cause she thought you were perfect
- Hugs
- Shopping the next day
- Sponsored by Papa Hop

- Your hair
- You recently made it really colorful and people bullied you for it
- She didn't like it one bit
- She surprised you by having the same colorful hair
- Now no one messes with either of you
- cause King Dad Steve dyed some of his hair the same as both of yours

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐍 ༶˙⊹ 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒔𝒕Where stories live. Discover now