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It was P.E. now, the least favorite subject, I don't even know why it's considered a subject but anyways, Carla was telling me something about going shopping with Lu, asking if I wanted to come
"Kai?" As she waved her hand in front of my face
"Yeah, that would be amazing" I smiled back
As we were stretching, this girl said she needed two more people, Guzman gave her a dirty look, I was just utterly confused
"I swear this school has issues with innocent people" I thought
As I was stretching Ander came next to me

"Hey, your Ander right?"
"Ander, ¿qué pasa con la escuela? se desprende deprimido." I whispered not wanting anyone to hear our conversation (Ander, what's up with the school? it gives off depressed.)
" Me sigo olvidando que solo matriculaste este semestre, eh, entonces el semestre pasado, mataron a esta chica que es la hermana de Guzmán, Marina.
Entonces, desde su muerte ha habido tensión en la escuela y él se convirtió en una bomba de relojería" He said
I looked at Guzman, feeling sorry for him because, he wasn't just being a big bully, he was just mourning.

We started to do exercises, as we were doing sit ups, I heard Carla talking to Polo saying that someone will blab, i decided it must be some random drama so i decided to stay out of it but as she continued speaking, her tone changed into a feared one. As Polo started talking to her in a cheery tone i thought maybe she was just worrying over nothing.


Since it's lunch time now i went to the lunch area, as I was walking as Samuel. I ran up to him and hugged him from behind, he was shocked to say the least then when he saw who i was he hugged me back. We developed a conversation then i completely forgot there was a girl behind, she cleared her throat indicating to Samuel to introduce her
"Sorry, Rebe this Kai" He said
"It's nice to meet you" I said
"Do you have another one?" Indicating to the cigarette she had in her hand.
She searched in her pocket and gave me one. Rebekah started telling us how she got rich, then Nadia came to our table,

"Are you going to the club?" She asked
"I don't think i'd be very welcomed." He replied sadly
"¿Cuándo vas a dejar de dejar que arruinen tu diversión?" i said angrily, he ignored my question.
"I'm going" she replied with determination, almost spitting out my water.
"Is Nadia going out of her comfort zone?" I replied with a smile
"You're actually going to a club on your own accord and free will?" he asked puzzled,
"¡No digas que lo vas a hacer reconsiderar su decisión!" I said shaking his shoulders, making him laugh.

"Nadia i'm proud of you don't let those snobs tell you what to do, including you Sam." I told them look at them each

"But wait aren't you one of them?"
Samuel asked, "Me and them totally different people, i know how it feels to have to work for your money unlike them" I stated
"Anyways I have to try and find my brother, see you all in Math" I said jumping of the table, hugging them all

As i was walking, someone walked into me. "Cuidado idiota, tienes dos pies izquierdos?" I asked them, irritated. " Espera, ¿no es tu nombre Polo?" i asked
he walked away apologizing in a look of distress

"Rude" I said and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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