The night before I found out I was dating a lying, cheating, idiot.

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Reasons why people lie.

1.They are trying to protect your feelings.

2.They don't trust you.

3.They don't care about you.

4.They don't care about getting caught in their lie(s).

5.They want to hurt you.

That's my reasoning at least. People can be evil, little, dark creatures that think they can do anything and don't need anyone. They of course are wrong. Everybody needs somebody eventually.

I was six when I realized my dad lied and that my mom was never coming back. I was nine when I realized my sister lied and that we would be alone for a long time. And I was sixteen when I had my first relationship, first broken-heart, and first lying, cheating boyfriend.

The night before I found out I was dating a lying, cheating, idiot.

I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying my brown curls in my room. I had my dark purple robe tied tight around my waist. My t-shirt and basketball shorts were laying out on my bed. Something made a noise outside me balcony door. Clicking off my hair dryer, I peaked behind the curtains covering the door. There was a dark shape, a boy, sitting on the ledge. He was just sitting there, staring at the sky. I looked up, but couldn't see through the clouds. When I looked back, the boy was on the ground. He ran to the trees and disappeared in them. I locked my balcony doors and went to change.

I lit the small white candle that sat on the table by my bed. The light spilled over the room and created shadows all over the walls. My favorite book, Romeo and Juliet, was on the table too. I read my favorite scene and heard the rain start up outside. I left the candle burning till the last possible second and blew it out right has I fell asleep.

The morning of the day I found out I was dating a lying, cheating, idiot.

"ELLA!" Hillary, my sister, called up the stairs. I sat up and looked at my phone. It was 7:30. I had thirty minutes to get to school. "Gabriella! Get up! You're going to be late for school!"

I throw the door open. "I'M UP!" I shouted down the stairs. I ran to my closet and grabbed a pair of faded jeans. I stayed in my black tank top but changed out of my basketball shorts.

"Bye Hill!" I said grabbing my sweatshirt and keys. My black 1971 Cheval Malibu was parked behind Hill's SUV. The door whined when I opened it. All the windows were closed, except one. The back passenger's side window was cracked just enough for a piece of paper to fit through. I looked all over the sit but didn't see anything. I started up my car and pulled out, slowly, on the wet highway.

In the parking lot my best friend, Alexandria, and her sister, Autumn, climbing out of their Porsche. Sitting on the back of his car Logan, my boyfriend, was watching as I pulled up beside him. Logan came around and opened my door.

"Hey Babe!" He said smiling and kissing my cheek.

"Hey." I said, stifling a yawn. I went to the backseat and got my bag when I saw the paper. Hiding it in my pocket, I greeted Alex and Autumn. Alex hugged me like always and Logan wrapped his arms around my waist. We stood around in the parking lot, talking, like always. But something was different, or maybe it was the note in my pocket, or the strange boy outside my window, making me think something was different.

The bell rang and Logan kissed me good bye as I walked to my first class. In algebra, I sit in the back because I'm one of the best students. After Mr.Bryan called roll, I pulled the note out of my pocket.

Gabriella Marie Williams

They are not who they seem. Don't trust LKJ.


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