My everything

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Please please pleeeeaaaassssseeeee comment and tell me what you think, I think the story turned out awesome but I wanna know what you guys think! so comment even if you don't like it, but I hope you do!

Also, I actually drew the cover for this story, it's probably the best drawing I've done so far! well, enough of my babbling, enjoy the story! It'll make you laugh, make you cry, but anyway I need to shut it now so you can READ IT! I'll be quiet now, so enjoy!


~Dedicated to anyone who has ever lost a loved one~


  I walked through the abandoned town. Even if there were people there, they would not be able to see me. I am a ghost. I died the day I was born.

  My mother used to live in this abandoned town. She was the only one who had refused to leave, because father had been born and he had died in this town. Father died before I was born, mother stayed to pretend he was still wandering the streets and if she left he would never see his beautiful baby. Neither of them ever got to see me though. My mother died giving birth, and I died as soon as I came out.

  All of mother's memories passed into me. It gave me the feeling that mother was just...gone. I was the one to bear her memories for her while she was stuck in nowhere. I have been wandering these streets, searching for father. Hoping one day, I will finally run into him so he can see me, and we can hold hands, floating off into nowhere to join mother.

  I have never stopped wandering all these years. I was now 16. I have been wandering since I could crawl. I have been a ghost all my life, since I've never had a chance to live.

  Many people would feel sorry for me, if they knew I was still wandering. A few people come to this town to look for me, a lot of people believe I am still wandering here, looking to show myself to my father as my mother had wished. But, many of those people end up staring straight through me, or walking straight through me.

  The first day one of them were talking about finding me in front of me, I cried. That was the day I learned, I wasn't alone. I had tried to talk to them. They couldn't see me. Soon, I got used to it, I still cry now and ten, but I look for my father more throughly to take my mind off.

   About a year ago I learned a few boys had a hangout on the edge of this abandoned town. When I felt like giving up, I would go there a wait for them to come. I have learned a lot about people. It turns out that there is another city, not to far from this one. It was a shiny new city. I vowed that when I found my father I would beg him to take me there before we went to join mother.

  I pretended the boys were the witnesses of this vow, so now I had to keep it. I believe with all my heart that I will find my father, one day.

  The boys were very interesting, there were 5 in all. There was a tall, skinny one with blonde hair and blue eyes, who I guessed was "Reggie". Another was a black boy, with short black hair and brown eyes, everyone called him "DJ". They both always wanted to talk about their "band". Reggie played the "guitar" and DJ played the "keyboard". I would also beg my father to let me follow the boys to see their "band". Another boy, "Short stuff" was short as his name says, he had messy brown hair and big, green eyes. Then there's the strange "Creeper" with his hair color that changes every day and his crazy yellow eyes. I wondered how he changed his hair color...but anyway, finally there's "Player" I don't know how to discribe him...I just always got this weird feeling around him...I wished they could see me...but anyway, Player had jet black short, spikey hair and beautiful sea-green eyes.

  I liked going to the boys meetings, they always had a good time, laughing and joking. I was glad to have found something. They kept me happy, which I knew father would only want me to be. Sometimes the boys would bring strange trinkets.I learned a lot about the outside world from them. I used to only know what my mother did, but now I was begining to learn, to grow mentally. The boys always talked bad about this so clled "school" where you have to learn, but I would love to go there, I like learning new things.

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