Chapter 1

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Claire typed in the coordinates on her phone and ran. She wanted to get as far away from everyone as she could. She didn’t want to hurt any more people than she already has. As the soles of her sneakers hit the red road clay, she heard voices, she felt different things. But it was on the news where she heard of an academy that can keep her safe. It was called Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters. Its foundation was to help people like her, who couldn’t control themselves. She was to find the site in Westchester County. But she asked herself “I am in Mississippi, how will I ever get there?” But it was a voice inside her head that answered the question. “Stay where you are, my friends will come and get you, just trust me”. So she sat down on the nearest bench, with her backpack seated next to her. Finally, she saw a man appear. A very worried look was on his face. All of a sudden, a man, no… a beast, jumps up behind him and attacks. The beast looks like a lion with piercing nails and teeth. She stood up and suddenly, the beast starts to cry, he asks the man for forgiveness, but the man fires an optic blast from his eyes causing her to jump back and fall into the bench. The man looks at her, and says “I am here to take you to Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters. My name is Scott. What is yours?” “Claire” she says still dazed. Later, at the mansion, Scott takes her to see the professor. She walks in to a big room with a man in a silver wheelchair with wheels shaped like an X, and next to him a girl with hair as white as the clouds, but she still looked young. “Thank you for migrating here from Mississippi, Claire. Have you been noticing any strange things that you have been doing” The man in the wheelchair said pleased. “Yes, I….I have been making people feel different things, causing them to not be my friends anymore. And I have also been noticing that I somehow have been sort of controlling water, if that is the word I should use”. “Ah, yes. Well I feel terrible for being rude by not introducing myself and others. My name is Professor Xavier, but you can call me Charles. And my friend next to me is Storm-“She looks at the woman with white hair ‘’and I know you have met Scott” Claire turn around to look at him, and he gave her a smile. “Well Storm will give you a tour and get you settled in. Here is your schedule and I will see you tomorrow.” Storm gives her a tour of the mansion. Claire then bumps into a girl with a white streaks in her hair. “Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry.” She says to her picking up her binders. “It’s okay, thanks for picking these up-“gesturing to the binders “I’m Rogue and this is Bobby” she says pointing her head to the boy next to her. Claire told Rogue her name and then quickly got going. After the tour, she went to her room and settled down. She sat on the bed, put earphones on and listened to some contemporary music. As much as she loved this place, she fell asleep thinking of negating herself. The next morning, Claire woke up to and alarm clock going off at the side of her bed. She got dressed in a purple t-shirt and skinny jeans, and left. She met Bobby in the hallway, and asked where she was going. “You have the same class as me, I’ll show you” “Thanks, so your friend Rogue seems nice”. “Yeah, she really is. But don’t touch her bare skin, it is deadly. I learned that the hard way.” He said. They went to class and hung out with Rogue the rest of the day. All three of them snuck out to the Ferris Wheel across the street that night. It was perfect because the capacity was 3. At the top, Rogue said” I wish we could stay up here forever” she let out a sigh. Noticing this, Bobby let out his hand and pointed it to the core of the Ferris wheel. It then froze. That is why some people call him Iceman she thought. “Now we can” he says.They all eventually got back to the mansion and fell asleep in their own dorms. Claire fell asleep thinking that the night all three of them had together was a big motive to staying here, it had a huge impact into whether or not she would like it here. The following day she had her first practice in the training room, they wanted her to be part of the team already because of her class 4 powers. Bobby and Rogue were there too. She didn’t understand why, but she felt jealous when she saw Bobby pick up Rogue when she fell. The jealousy somehow burst one of the lights, and scared everyone else. After training, she went straight to her room and overlapped blankets on top of her. She felt as if her powers were dominating her. And she didn’t want that to happen. She heard a gentle knock on the door, and opened it. It was Rogue in her green pajamas since it was night already. “Are you okay? What happened there” Rogue asked. “Nothing, is that okay with you” Claire said angrier than she really was. The bed shook. “Jeeeeezzzzz, I don’t want to start a controversy for no reason, so tell me a rational answer.” Claire stalled in telling her the truth. “The currency of the U.S. is too much, they should lower the price.” She said. “Come on quit stalling, tell me the real rationale. You are being ignorant” Rogue said impatiently. “Fine, please don’t get mad at me.” “Okay” “I think that I like Bobby”’ Claire said blocking her face so that she wouldn’t be slapped. “That’s fine, I know he is my boyfriend and everything, but apparently the new trend is to like him. So I’m used to it. And plus, I would never stop a friend from having emotions” Claire felt a gust of relief flow through her body. “Have a goodnight” As Rogue was walking out you called her. “Hey, Rogue, Can you not tell anyone this?” “It will be our little secret” She said quietly, then shut the door.

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