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I laid on the cold cement of the sidewalk coughing up blood. "dirt bag" He muttered as he walked away.

*15 minutes earlier*

I'm walking down the street- no I'm not, I've been watching this guy meet up with 5 different people in the last 30 min. This has to have something to do with money. Perfect. I start to inch over there and as I get closer, I can see that he has a suitcase, wait he's opening it a little.

Holy shit.

I walk over to him a little faster and "accidentally" bump into him and his suitcase making some won fall out. I subtly grab some money and apologize to the man before running off.

"Get back here you piece of shit!" the rich bitch yelled, chasing after me. Guess I wasn't very subtle. I kept running but it did no good, he was fast, somehow faster than me. I tried everything, but he still got to me, and when he did it hurt like a bitch.

*present time*

I got up after laying down for a bit and dusted myself off before walking to the closest convenience store. I walked inside and strolled around for a while before I got a bottle of water and some food and stuffed them inside my jacket and walked out. I sat down in the alley behind the store and started eating the uncooked ramen I got.

I was almost done when a rich man in a tux came up to me and set his briefcase down next to him.

"Hello ma'am, would you like to play a game with me?" he said smiling, looking at me weirdly.

"A game?" I questioned, finishing off the last piece of ramen.

"Have you played ddakji before?" he asked as he opened up his briefcase revealing a two ddakji, a red and blue one, and enough won to keep me and my cat eating for a while.

He held up both of the ddakji and said, "Play a few rounds of ddakji with me, and each time you win, Ill pay you 100,00 won"

100,000 won for each time I hit his ddakji and flip it over.

"And if you flip mine?" I asked.

"If I flip yours, you will give me 100,000 won as well"

I sighed and looked down, "I don't have 100,000 won, I don't have any money"

"Then, each time you lose, I will slap you. I'll even let you play first"

I took the blue ddakji and we started playing. I hit his ddakji, but his didn't flip over. He hit mine and it flipped. He slapped me. Hard. And on the side of my face where I had an cut on my eyebrow and lip from that other rich guy.

We played like this over and over for about 10 minutes before I finally flipped one of his over. I looked at him and smirked before he grabbed my wrist and stuffed 100,000 won in it.

"Congratulations" He said as he packed his briefcase back up. I sat down and looked through my money when he gave me a business card with a circle, triangle, and a square on it. I took it and looked up at him.

"We don't have many spots left. Goodbye Y/N Y/L." He said as he walked away.

"How do you know who I am? Who are you?" I shouted at him, but he didn't look back.

I got some more food and flowers before I headed to the cemetery. When I got there I found my parents' grave and sat down in between them. I twirled one of the lilies with my fingers as I thought about all that happened today.

First I steal some money from a guy who is probably a douche, then get jumped for it. Then I get 100,000 won and slapped a lot, to play a game.

"Hey mom, dad. I got some money today. And no, I didn't steal it. 100,000 won, too." I don't know why I still talk to them. It's been 12 years.

And with that, I set the flower on my mom's grave and walk away.

I walk into my house and see my cat and pick him up. "Hey Tigger, hey buddy", I set him down and get some cat food to fill up his bowl. I go into my small kitchen to make some food for myself when I realized I didn't have anything but 2 packs of stale ramen. I decided I needed to go to the store with the money I just got but then decided to just do it tomorrow.

I sat down with Tigger in my arms and remembered the card that man gave me earlier. I took it out and looked at it for a while. I was about to throw it away when I heard a crash from the other room. I set the card down and went to look, when I saw a big chunk of my ceiling just fell through.

"How did that even happen" I said as I examined the room. I sighed as I went back over to where the card was and dialed the number.

I dropped Tigger off at my neighbors house telling them I was going on vacation. I got to where they told me to meet them, when a white van pulled up. The driver unrolled the window, "Y/N Y/L?"

"Yes" I said.


"Red light, Green light" I answered as he opened the door. When I got in, I realized everyone was asleep. I looked around in confusion when gas was released into the air. What the hell is this-

ik this is rlly short and prolly shit writing but yeah it will get better
(921 words)

6 Games   One Chance   With You | Kang Sae-Byeok |Where stories live. Discover now