Chapter 1: Memories

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"Marinette! Time for school!" her aunt called out.

"Coming au-mama!" she shouted, quickly correcting herself. She quickly ran to her room from the basement and threw on her usual white top and a pale pink skirt, and her hair in her usual messy bun. Her hair had grown considerably lately. She had a daily routine where she would wake up at 4 and train, making sure she was late to class, as part of her role as Marinette Dupain Cheng. When it came to character they really weren't anything like each other, but she made sure that her characters hobbies matched. No way was she gonna do something she didn't like.

She was running out of the bakery when she the latest order on the desk, a croquembouche tower, she smiled to herself, her brother's favourite she remembered whenever they came to France as a family.

Flashback (speaking in Mandarin)

"WEI-JUN NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THE ENTIRE TOWER!" a 5 year old Marinette scolded, even if she was younger she was obviously far more mature than her older brother. 

"Mei Mei, if you want some you could have just asked" 6 year old Marin smirked cheekily. Her name was Mei-Li, but her brother lovingly called her Mei Mei, as it meant little sister in Chinese. 

"Don't blame me when you get a tummy ache!" Marinette pouted (he did in the end).

They were visiting France for official business and Marin seized the opportunity to get an entire croquembouche tower 2 feet tall.

Marin had traits of all his family, his fathers jade green eyes, his grandmothers soft and slightly curly hazelnut hair, his mothers facial features, but Marinette was the spitting image of her mother, with her midnight blue hair and eyes as blue as one of the sapphires from the crown jewels.

"Okay okay settle down," Queen Bridgette came into their room.

"Mama!" they both ran up to hug her.

"What, nothing for me?" King Felix had just come in. Marin sprinted up and hugged him and said,

"HAH! Got here first!"

"Hey no fair! I didn't know we were racing!"

"I still won though!"

"No you didn't!"



They were arguing while Felix and Bridgette were talking.

"ah, look at them, fighting over little ol' me. Plenty of me to go around though." Felix chuckled.

"I should hope so, can't have all of your attention on the kids if you get my drift" Bridgette chuckled back. He kissed her cheek.

"I'm flattered." he smirked.

"DADDY" they both shouted.

"Who do you like better? me or Mei Mei?" Wei asked.

"Uh- I- Oh look at the time, i uh, just remembered I um- have a meeting! Yes! a meeting. See you two later," he kissed their heads and practically ran out the room.

End Flashback

She smiled to herself, how she wished she could take all that back, open a hole in space go back in time, grab them by the shoulders and never let go. She wasn't 5 anymore. She was 16. It look 3 years to defeat him, but she and Cat Noir did it. Well, more her than Cat Noir. He was growing distant. He was easy prey to akumas. She wished he could help him, she really did, on patrols she tried to talk to him, but he always turned away. So she took his miraculous. Their miraculous had to be in perfect sync, and if it wasn't it was extremely dangerous for both holders. She didn't use the ladybug miraculous since. For patrols she used the mouse miraculous.

She ran to school and got into her seat. A couple minutes late, but that was usual so the teacher didn't even look up from her book. School had been okay she supposed, her grades were as good as usual, she had her group, though most of them had drifted away. Max was now in a private school for gifted students with a scholarship. Nathaniel had moved away to Brittany to move closer to family and the rest herded Lila like sheep, and avoided her most of the time. She had Luka and Kagami, and Alya and Nino, Adrien was long gone. He couldn't defy his father. His identity was kept secret, the result of his actions and Emilie was punishment enough she thought. Though in a way she was thankful. If it weren't for Lila she wouldn't know who her true friends were. Just then Principal Damocles came in, he looks happy, Marinette thought.

"Alright class, this may come as a shock but- your class has been selected to attend the coronation of China's new monarch!"

It was like the world stopped. The squeals and shouts were muffled. The ground seemed to be spinning. Home. She was going home. The word had never sounded so nice The biggest smile she had in a while graced her face. She wasn't even thinking about the fact that once they see her brothers coronation, they will realise who she is...


833 words

First chapter of my new book! Hope you like it. So basically, they have Chinese names along with European names, Marinette's name means beautiful flower and Wei-Jun (or just Wei) means heroic king, I tried to make them have meanings representing their personality or traits. So pls vote, comment and share! More chapters are coming!

Stay safe!

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