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The characters pronouns are she they

While cleaning out the attic of your parents house you find an old dusty treasure chest it's empty with nothing but some old band tee shirts and old letters

On the journey of cleaning the attic you find a few other things you carry the box down to your room and set it at the foot of your bed you decide to get into your pajamas

On the journey of cleaning the attic you find a few other things you carry the box down to your room and set it at the foot of your bed you decide to get into your pajamas

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🍄time skip🍄<3
The fit

I'm at school and I see the popular tiktok fuck boys their pretty much all raging homophobic rasist wiccaphobic asswholes except for Tyrone Tyrone is chill I walk past and get multiple slurs thrown at me

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I'm at school and I see the popular tiktok fuck boys their pretty much all raging homophobic rasist wiccaphobic asswholes except for Tyrone Tyrone is chill
I walk past and get multiple slurs thrown at me



I'm literally about to drop out if they don't stop that or I'm going to choke on my morning iced coffee
I've tryd talking to the councilers but they don't do any thing but it is time for my first class lituature which is just a fancy word for reading but I loved the class because the teacher was so nice
We always got to choose whichever book we wanted and do separate reports on them one time I did one about frogs but none the less I like to pretend I'm a main character in a book it makes me feel special but once I walked in I sat with my friends

We all started talking about random things then the bell rang we didnt go to a table because there was none we all sat on the floor we could even bring blankets and pillows if we wanted.

Then the teacher said we were getting a new student

They had blue hair natraul make up and a bear hoodie and a plaid skirt under

THEY WERE HOT🔥LIKE HOT HOT They had blue hair natraul make up and a bear hoodie and a plaid skirt under

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They introduced them selves

"Hi I'm moth my pronouns are
she/they/he I'm 17 and I really really like butterscotch coffee"

She asked if he could sit with us and I told them she could sit next to me if he wanted

We all started reading and typing on our laptops iPad's and writing on paper I finished my book chapter report early and helped moth set his laptop up

I helped moth set up most of her classes
We had a lot in common and a lot of the same classes speech and debate
Theater design musical theater and visual arts

I helped set up the Google classrooms for most of them and then my freind  grim gave them all the unrestricted sites

And showed them how to do things like change spell check and get little mushrooms to grow out of the corner of his screen

And how to change the timer to go off to my chemical romance instead of the annoying clock alarm noise

💋time skip💋

It had been two months since moth had got to the school. And prom was tomorrow me and my freind group decided to all ask each other out until it was just me and moth so I asked moth to go to prom with me

She said yes
Proms tomorrow and moth is picking me up at 5:00 so we can all get ready at grims house

Moth wore this

And they looked so cuteBut I wore this

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And they looked so cute
But I wore this

I found it in that old box in my attic So we went to grims house And finally we got to prom I got fucking zooted

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I found it in that old box in my attic
So we went to grims house
And finally we got to prom
I got fucking zooted

I was so drunk

Moth took me back to there place and then I passed out on th floor of there living room
I woke up in a bed with a very large hoodie on me and moth sleeping hooked onto my body like a koala problem is moth is taller than me
And stronger
I am stuck
I tryd to move but moth held on tighter then woke up they just hugged me then and fell back asleep in my arms
I just laid back down with moth and pulled the blankets over us
When I woke up moth was gone
But there was a bouquet of flowers next to me with a note that said for
(Y/N) when i opened the note it had a sticky note with the words will you be my girlfriend and 2 boxes that said yes and no with a really fancy pen

Moth took me back to there place and then I passed out on th floor of there living room I woke up in a bed with a very large hoodie on me and moth sleeping hooked onto my body like a koala problem is moth is taller than me And stronger I am stuckI...

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I checked yes

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