Chapter 3 - After

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Colby, it's so weird saying his name again even in my head, carries me to Cass's car. It's one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to me, second only to throwing up on his shoes.

After throwing up, I must have fainted because I wake up with my head against his chest and his arms under my knees. Both my arms are wrapped around his neck.

All I can think is someone had to have cleaned the mess.

As he carries me through the party, people crowd us or stop us every few minutes to be nosy and pry. What happened to her? Is she alright?

I thought nothing could be worse than being ignored the way I had been before but this sudden concern for my health was much worse. I keep my eyes shut tight and face pressed into Colby's chest to prevent being gawked at. He must have worked out. He's so much beefier than he was four years ago.

And yet, being close to him like this feels precisely the same. He still holds me gently but while his hands had once been hesitant, they're certain now.

He even smells the same. Heady and sweet like honey.

Cassius stops him and speaks to him, his voice terse. My headache leaves me unable to discern everything he's saying. I only catch a few words, "Too much to drink - Responsible - Stranger"

It's the exact sort of lecture I knew I'd be getting if I dared to open my eyes and alert them to my consciousness.

Colby says something back and I feel his voice in his chest. It hums through me so I can feel it in my own gut. He says something about not being a bother. His voice is deeper but he speaks the same. Soft, confident and gratingly polite.

Cassius responds and from the tightness in his voice, I can tell an argument is brewing. Colby's hands tightens around my knees and he brings my shoulder further against his chest, "It's fine. I really would like to make sure she gets home safely."

I clamp down on the butterflies trying to fly from my stomach up into my chest. No more of that fluttery, flimsy feelings nonsense. I'm done with Colby Bengsston and his confusing acts of kindness.

I almost wake up and climb out of his embrace. I would if I didn't think I would collapse if I tried.

Cassius must have stepped closer because I hear his response loud and clear. "I'm her date. That's my job. She doesn't even know you."

His tone is pure ice.

There's a moment of silence and then I feel Colby's sense of defeat in the way his shoulders droop and he loosens his death grip on the back of my knees. "Of course", he says, perfectly polite, never missing a beat. "I'd like to atleast carry her to your car. Is that alright?"

Cassius must agree because Colby carries me all the way to the parking lot where it is dark and I can finally open my eyes and turn my face. His even steps both soothes my headache and makes me nauseous.

When I'm done feeling like a rag, I'll have to talk to Cassius about this possessiveness he's been exhibiting lately.

I know he doesn't like Colby and never has, especially after I told him what did or rather didn't happen four years ago, but this was taking it too far. So much time has passed. Surely, no one cares about a trivial rejection like that. Except me, I suppose.

"Hey, you're awake?"

I panic and shut my eyes so fast it almost makes me dizzy. Colby chuckles, bouncing me around a little, "I know you're awake, Aileen."

Besides myself, I smile a little and turn my face to look at him. "Shush. I don't want Cass to know."

He looks up and must see Cassius walking somewhere ahead of us. He nods and then looks down at me, his eyes bluer than I remember. "Your secret's safe with me, Island Girl."

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