Chapter 9

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Anna POV

"What is it?" Oh, right, I totally forgot Ace.

I take his blindfold of his head and reach for the glove compartment in front of Ace while telling him that we are being followed. I take out two guns and hand one two Ace. I shouldn't trust him with this because who knows if he will just shoot me, but I just hope he isn't that stupid.

He sighs before rolling down his window. He looks surprisingly calm and not stressed or something. He removes his seatbelt as I drive faster. He turns himself so he looks in the direction of the SUV's following us, sticking his upper body out the window.

How I would love to push him out right now.

He starts shooting the tires and two or so cars crash into each other. I take a left turn that leads to the highway.

There are a few cars on the highway, but it being night right now there aren't many cars here. I speed up getting a bit more distance between me and the other cars.

"Ace get in" I say rather loudly due to the shooting.

He does as I say and I step on the brake, putting the car in reverse, driving backwards.  

I roll down my window as well and start shooting.

In front of us are a few more cars, but I can see a few guys' eyes widen, probably surprised by my action. But they shouldn't be surprised. Either they overestimate me or they are sexists and think a woman couldn't do shit like that.

I tip on both.

The driver of the car in front of us tries to shoot at the windshield, but smart me, my car is bulletproof. Idiota didn't even tried to aim at one of us.

I give him an unimpressed look and shoot him straight between the eyes. His car suddenly into reverse and crashes into the car behind them.

"Giovanni" I hum. "Look beside us"

I do as Ace said and look to the left then the right, only to see two cars trapping us between them. I sigh and shake my head.

They should give up already. They don't have a fucking chance. We already took down most of their cars why keep going then?

I put the car back in drive and make a half turn, driving forward again. I speed up only for them to copy my actions but slowly crushing us. Before they get the chance to scratch my car I step on the brake making them slightly crash together. They slow down giving me the perfect chance to speed up all the way down the highway. I look in the rear mirror seeing that they are pretty much far away.

Lucky motherfuckers, they didn't scratch my baby. At least I hope. Because these buona a nulla would get it if there was one. If I would see them again.

The car is silent and only our calmed breaths and the car speeding trough the night is heard.

I turn to him for a breathe moment only to see him already looking at me with an expressionless face. I narrow my eyes at him. "What?"

"Pretty impressive.", he turns his head to the street, "But I could do better."

I scoff before bursting out laughter because of his crazy assumption. He is so delusional, I swear.

He looks at me again shaking his head a bit. "Your delusional mister De Luca." He scoffs at my thought but then there is a light smirk on his face before questioning, "Is that a challenge, Anna?"

I scoff again. "Yeah right. But I think we already know who would win. Ace. " I pronounce his name with the same venom he just did with mine.

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