your what???

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A/N I feel like you guys hate me cause of how many A/N's I put so I won't even put em at the start from now on you're  welcome 😉. (Cursing) ALSO THANK U FOR 400 VIEWS LIKE OMG I NEVER EXPECTED THIS THANKUU.

Sam's POV :

I love you, he said

I turned around looked at him with a confused look,

Am I dreaming cause this sure is a dream,

You're not dreaming Sam ,I love you, I do

I squeezed his shoulder to make it was him

Feels like Freddie

He grabbed my hands, I'm not kidding. Sam, I love you

I- I love you too

He smiled biting his lip, and went in for a kiss I kissed back, he pulled away

So, now what,

Now . I have the most beautiful girl as my girlfriend

My heart stopped pounding for a second,

Y-You're what???

My girlfriend

He kissed me passionately,

Now we have two options,Freddie said we could either stay here and make Carly and Brad think we got kidnapped, or we could go back to our rooms andd(A/N We don't talk about that yet)

I say we go home, I uttered and smiled at him

He grabbed my hand and we went back to the hotel,


We were walking down the halls, talking, we went inside Carly and Brad's room who were (just kissing this time 😉)

Wassupp I said

Wow Sam you're extremely happy for someone who just went out for a walk with someone they 'hate' Carly said

Actually, me and Freddie looked at each other,

We are dating, Freddie said

WHAT HOW, Carly and Brad said together

It's a long story but, we understood that we actually love each other, I said


Me and Freddie looked at each other,and smiled,

Well we'll see you guys tomorrow, good night, Freddie said

We went back to our rooms, we were sitting, cuddling on the bed and holding hands,

You know sometimes I just feel like I'm crazy, I said

Well you are,

I looked playfully angry at him,

in a good way of course,he said

How is your hair so pretty, he smiled and said while stroking it,

Prolly cause it's the only part about me that I actually take care of, I said

He chuckled
Freddie's POV

Ugh why can't I sleep, I look down to see Sams head on my chest, arms around me and one of the legs between mine,

Yea that's probably why I can't sleep, but she could, she was dead asleep, she looked so cute, I can't move and wake her up,I slightly moved her bangs from her face and kissed her forehead and tried to go back to sleep,


4 Am
Sam's POV

I opened my eyes surprisingly considering I'm a deep sleeper,

I look up to see Freddie and then look down to see the way I'm on him,

Yikes! Poor boy, must have taken him hours to sleep like the way I was grabbing on too him,

I remove my leg from on top of his, put my head on my pillow, still having my arm on his waist, kissed his hands and went back to bed.


Sam's POV

I woke up with sunlight glistening through, I see Freddie sitting in front of the bed, tieing his shoe laces

I get up and hug him from behind

Good morning Baby,

Good morning Princess

'They kiss'

So what's the plan for today, I asked while brushing my hair .

Oh, me, you,Carly and Brad are gonna have breakfast, then we are probably gonna go somewhere, I don't really know Brad's been the one planning everything,

Well alright, she said

10 Mins later
I decided to wear something cute, well in my eyes it's cute, I wore some high waisted jeans, with a tuck in turtle neck and a black jacket on top. And black boots,It is gonna be pretty cold today,

Alrighty how do I look I asked Freddie

Perfect,he said and came over to kiss me, I kissed back

Alright les roll

Carly's pov (not like anyone cares but ok)

Sooooo Sam and Freddie , Care too explain how THIS happend, I said gesturing them,

Oh, eh ah um well, I don't really know, yea me neither they said

8:30 Am

Okay so heres the plan , Brad said, we will eat and leave the hotel by 9 , we are gonna go to the Louvre by taxi and leave that by 12 , then we could come back and rest, not much plans , sound fine

Yep ~ Freddie

Perfect ~ Carly

Deal ~ I think u can guess who

10 am ~  at Louvre

Woahh look how pretty it is, I Exclaimed

Its made of glass Wow this is sick, Sam said

Hey babe take a picture of me I told brad giving him my phone, and posing

Freddie's POV
You wanna see

NO, she said, I would rather die then take pictures

I know I said putting my arms around her,

How about we go get something to eat,

She look at me and smiled, gave me a kiss, You know me so well, she said

True, I winked at her,

We went and brought back pizza, sat on a bench there, grabbed a slice each, Cheers we said and ate the pizza with a clear view of Carly still posing in front of Brad

Poor Brad, Sam said

I know he has put up with this torture,

we chuckled

A/N ALR that was the chap, ques of the day waffles or pancakes 👀? I personally like waffles more but I wanna know about you.  Anyways You know what to do KEEP USING PURPLE HEARTSS 💜💜

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