Shooting stars go brrr

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Edrics Pov

Later at the lookout

"hey handsome." Hunter said, hugging me from behind.

"Wow no mercy." I smiled, kissing his cheek, my heart fluttered out of my chest, "But seriously dude, what's gotten into you? Your so... I don't know you seem different. Not that its a bad thing..." I trailed off, remembering how he made me feel at school.

"Yha, i guess i am, now that belos isn't hear to rain down on me i feel like i can move about without fear of punishment, if that makes any sense..."

"It kind of does." I said smiling, "Anyway, what did you think of school?"

"It was pretty great actually." Hunter said, "Would have liked it better if i could spend more time with you though."

"Yha, to be honest i was a bit jealous of all the attention you were getting." I said, looking out over the cliff.

"Awe, well you have all my attention now, so what do you wanna do with it?" Hunter said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in.

"Hot damn, i kinda wanna kiss you..." I blushed, pulling him closer.

"Yessir." He said, kissing me on the cheek. I laughed and kissed him back- on the lips this time. Titan, I loved the sensation of his lips on mine, soft pillows pressed against my mouth as my stomach danced with joy.


Hunter pulled away, muscles tensing. he pulled me in defensively and looked around.

"Relax handsome." I smiled, stroking his hair, "Its a shooting star."

"Why is it screaming?" He asked, a concerned look in his eyes.

"Just give it a second." Hunter looked at me, then back at the ball of light in the sky.

"Ive never seen a shooting star shower this close before. its usually super foggy around the castle at night."

"Look, it's another one!" I gasped. Hunter and I looked up at the colorful display, the screaming was more distant now. Making it sound more like music.

"It sounds like singing!" Hunter breathed, that's so cool!"

"Yeah i know, it only sounds like screaming when it gets close." Hunter smiled, the starlight making the light in his eyes dance. I leaned in and kissed him again.

"Edric..." Hunter said pulling away again, I could tell something was bothering him, "What if Belos catches me. What if I die? Would you be ok? I mean, it's unlikely. But even so, if I do... I need you to be ok."

"Hunter. Belos will never catch you again. your safe now, remember? I wont need to live without you so don't worry about it."

"Edric... what if he does though, your such an amazing boyfriend and i dont deserve any of this-" Hunters eye began to fill with tears. "I don't want to lose everything."

"Hunter. I need you to stop, For your own sake. I know your still scared but concentrating on what could happen wont help anything."

"Ed..." Hunter was really starting to cry now, "I just really love you."

"I know Goldie." I whispered, tucking the piece of hair back behing his ear, "I love you too." I pulled him back into a tighter hug. He gripped me back burying his head into my shoulder.

"Thank you for loving me Edric, i don't know where i would be without you." Hunter whisperd.

I looked up at the stars. more had started singing and the sky had turned into a symphony of song. Hunter was so strong i thought to myself. He can be so confidant around me, and yet still vulnerable. Damn i love you. Oh hunter, if Belos does take you, I will fight with everything I have until your safe.


Hi, sorry for the short chapter, I'm still figuring out what to do with the rest of the plot. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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