late nights// Meredith Grey

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TW- mentions of guns. School sh00tings, possibly blood, dead bodies etc...

Reader is 13.

You are a patient at Seattle Grace hospital. Admitted after getting shot twice in a school shooting. It took a long time to get you stable enough to operate, but when you finally were, you had lost a lot of blood.

Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang and Dr. Bailey had performed your surgeries. They had removed both bullets and stitched you up, as well as carrying out every brain scan under the sun. Since you were still young and your brain was still developing, they wanted to be completely sure that you had not damaged your brain or spine in anyway when you fell and hot your head on the corner of a desk after the bullets entered you.

You were 6 hours post-op when your eyes opened for the first time. At the end of your bed, was a blonde woman, no older than 25. You recognised her as one of he woman that brought you in from the ambulance.

"Good evening," her warm smile lit up the room as the two of you mad eye contact. You smiled back at her as she took a few steps forward and studied the numbers on the EKG.

"Thank you... for helping me," you whispered.

"Just doing my job," she noticed you were slightly uncomfortable, possibly in pain. She looked at you concerned. "everything ok?"

"All good. The stitches are just really uncomfortable." she sent you a sympathetic smile as the doors at the end of the hall burst open and people started screaming.

"Dr Grey! We need you," Dr. Bailey called from outside the door.

"I'll be right back. I promise," your parents were out of town visiting family in New York when you were shot, so the only form of comfort you had while in the hospital was Meredith, and sometimes Izzie. Cristina came to check on you from time to time, but she was never very sympathetic. Meredith, however, understood how alone and scared you felt in such an unfamiliar place.

She came to check on you every time she got the chance, even if it was just for a few minutes. She would sit with you and talk. Talk about your lives. How you were doing in school. What you wanted to do when you grew up, all that stuff. The two of you actually got along quite well and enjoyed each other's company.


An hour or two went by before Meredith came back into the room. She looked exhausted. She untied her hair and dropped into the chair next to you.

"I'm sorry. They needed me to do surgery. I was gonna come right back," you could tell she felt guilty about leaving you for so long.

"It's fine. You were doing your job. You got the chance to save another life. How'd it go?" you were curious as to how the surgery had gone. A life in the medicine industry had always been an option for you. You were a bright kid. Top of your class, and exceeding in Biology and Maths, just science in general.

"It was a success. It didn't take long to get the bullets out but he was loosing a lot of blood so it took longer than expected,"

"what happened to him?" the mention of bullets had made you uneasy, but you were curious and wanted to know the whole story.

"Armed robbery. The gunmen shot themselves too after they got caught. They're still in surgery and the cops are down the hall," you nodded your head, trying to process all the information she had given you.

"Meredith?" she looked up at you as you spoke, trying to look for any hint of emotion in your eyes. "did they catch the guy that did this to me? Do they know who it was?" you had been on edge since you woke up. There was no one here to protect you, no cops or anything. You were a sitting duck.

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