Chapter 10: Rueben

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A/N: Hope's birthday party, a bit of a mixed setting, grand and royally glorious but still a bit more down to earth. Big royal garden party if you will. I really hope you like the idea I have with this story. Thanks again to Hookedonapirate for beta reading for me.

Chapter 10: Rueben

The grand and majestic castle in Royal City was bustling with activity; large tents were erected on the grassy area leading down to the Royal docks close to the castle. The water in the bay area was calm and the sun glinted in the tiny waves, adding a magical touch to the backdrop of the year's grandest party. Inside the tents, long tables were brimming with food and delicacies from around the United Realms. Guests from far and wide were gathering around in small groups, all shifting their gazes toward the grand marbled stairs leading up to the castle. Everyone was waiting for the royal birthday girl to appear.

Rueben tugged at his collar, his fingers adjusting the clasp on his bolo tie. The wait for Hope was unbearable; he shifted uneasily on his feet while searching the large plaza above the marble stairs. He knew Hope would join the party along with her family from those stairs. This was a royal affair, yet the setting was a bit more down to earth than what was normally done. He imagined Hope had had some things to say in regards to what would happen. He was buzzing with excitement as he looked back over the large grassy area; he could see the docks, where her father's ship was moored. It too was decorated for the occasion, flags and streamers hanging from the rigging and flower ornaments wrapping around the railings. He imagined the age old ship had never looked this decorative, ever. The area around the docks was filled with carnival booths of any imaginable kind.

Suddenly, he spotted Hope's father talking with a dark blond girl. Curiously, he walked closer. Hope had told him her family would walk outside with her to announce the beginning of the party.

"Mr. Jones?" Rueben began, then willed himself to stay calm; the man with the hook still intimidated him. "Where's Hope? I thought you would be with her."

The man spun around in surprise and tilted his head, eyebrows pinched in puzzlement. "Have we met before?" He flicked his thumb at the woman next to him, "This is my daughter - Alice."

"What... I... eh... sorry." Rueben shook his head in confusion. What the hell? "What?"

"Papa, you're confusing the poor man." The woman placed a hand on her father's arm, shaking her wavy, blond hair. Then her large curious eyes moved to Rueben's. "Who are you?"

"I'm... eh... I thought." Rueben dragged a hand over his face and mumbled, "What the hell is going on here?"

"I do love a good puzzle," she grinned and pointed between the three of them, "and I believe this right here is a puzzle." She practically bounced on the balls of her feet and clapped a few times.

Rueben blinked a few times at this obvious over-exuberant display of excitement over a mere misunderstanding. "Eh, I'm Rueben" He pointed at the man who looked uncanningly like Hope's father. "I just thought this was Killian Jones." He rubbed his neck and tried to calm himself.

"Oh, oh I know, you're Hope's boyfriend, yeah?" The woman guessed in excitement. "So nice to meet you Mr. Rueben." She reached out her hand, and Rueben took it as she kept talking. "I'm Alice, by the way." She rolled her eyes. "Forgot my manners there for a sec."

"No worries. Nice to meet you, Alice," Rueben said with a genuine smile, then glanced at the man who was not Hope's father.

Apparently Alice remembered her manners, because she finally introduced the man next to her. "This is my Papa. We call him Rogers, so people don't confuse him with his counterpart."

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