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~5 Years Later~

I am now 21 and Tom is 22, I have become a well know actress while Tom was well..... more know than he used to be. Our relationship has been stronger than ever and it's about to get even better, for starters on our 4 year anniversary he took me out to this amazing restaurant in LA (which is where we are living now by the way) and popped the question and we'll of course I said yes who wouldn't. Now the best part 4 months ago I found out so amazing news......


I know right it's amazing, we couldn't be more happier to be expanding the family. Today we are going to have a check up on the baby just to see how it's growing and if there is anything that we should know. I'm super excited yet really nervous but I mean everyone is nervous about their first child right?

T- "come on sleepy head time to get up." Tom said gently while stroking my hair.

E- "5 more minutes bubs." I say giving him puppy eyes.

T- "nope no stop....... you know I can't resist the eyes babe." He says pulling back from me.
"Fine, fine I give you up win." Tom says and I smile up at him.

E- "thank you." Kissing his cheek. "So we get to see our little bean today how you feeling?"

T- "honestly super excited, I can't wait to see if I get a little Prince or princess." He says placing both hands on my bump.

E- "when should we tell the public?"

Yep that's right we haven't told anyone yet apart from our family and friends and yeah I know what you must be thinking how have you gotten away with people not knowing and we'll it's pretty simple actually, I just wear really baggy sweat shirts and hoodies but I don't wear Jeans tho the time I tried that I was super uncomfortable.

T- "I don't know baby, when ever your ready."

E- "okay... now get up I wanna see our baby." I say jumping out the bed while Tom groans.

T- "why don't we get some breakfast on the way there?"

E- "MC'DONALDS" I screamed.

T- "okay McDonald's it is."

We both get changed, and I apply a little bit of makeup then we get in the road. It's currently 9:03am, we get to McDonald's and have our breakfast meals which ended up me getting a large Diet Coke as-well.

Once we get to the diagnostic imaging place we fill out some forms just to say what our names are and what we want for this session and we sit down waiting for our name to be called.
We've gone private as we don't want fans to be knowing and we had to make all the workers sign a confidentiality form so they don't go around saying anything.

N- "Everleigh Evans?"

E- "yep." I say hoping from my seat.

N- "great if you'd like to follow me."

The nurse walks us down this long corridor filled with pictures of what scans and baby's look like a how many weeks old and it just mesmerised me how I have a little one growing inside of me.

O.B- "hello Everleigh, Tom welcome back."

T- "your back!"

O.B- "oh yes aha I'm back now."

Our O.B's name was Sarah and for our last check up she was away on leave if absence so we had another O.B who was a male who I think who's name was joe but I don't really know but I'm glad Sarah is back because I trust her more with the baby.

O.B- "right okay, you know the drill can I just get you to pop up in here and lay down and pull your jumper up for me please." She says switching the monitors on.
"Okay this is going to feel slightly cold." She says as I nod me head.

Our baby pops up on the screen as Sarah moves the wand around me belly. I feel Tom squeeze me had so I look at him.

T- "I can't believe that's our little baby in there."

E- "I know I'm just so glad I'm having this little one with you."

T- "so am I baby."

O.B- "so as you can see these are the little legs and these are the arms. If we move Rou-" she stops herself quite suddenly which makes me panic.

E- "I-is everything alright?" I ask concerned.

O.B- "umm yes everything is fine I just need to check this out.........."

The silence killed me I was so anxious, I think Tom could tell how I felt so he gave me a quick kiss and grabbed my hand with both of his.

Sarah turns the sound on so I can hear my baby's heart beat.

O.B- "so can you hear that?"

T- "yeah it's amazing."

O.B- "what does that sound like to you."

E- "muffled."

O.B- "yes your right so if I move it around here."

She loves the wand further up my stomach and I can see another shape which makes me super confused but as soon as Tom see it his head bounces up like he knows.

T- "is it?"

O.B- "it is indeed."

E- "I'm so confused can someone please explain what's going on?"

O.B- "Everleigh darling........"

"Your having twins"

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