Madeleine's Story

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This story will come into the 1400s and 2000s repeatedly. So be aware :) And be warned that I was very young when I wrote this, so excuse the mistakes. 



I clutch my bag very tightly as I enter the huge skyscraper that I'll start working at. My new boss told me to be there at eight o'clock sharp with his coffee. 

With the coffee in one hand and my bag in the other, I hit the number seventy button on the elevator. The last floor of the building. My ears pop a bit as we go higher.

Once the elevator door opens, I got straight to the secretary. She wears a burgandy pencil skirt and ruffled blouse. Also mention the huge glasses and snobby face when she sees me.

"Name?" she asks with her high-pitched voice.

"Madeleine Lemarr." I say.

"Do you have an appointment or something?"

"No, I'm here to work for Mr. Vann."

"Oh, the new assistant. Go through that door and he's in  the first door to your right."

I nodded to her and did as she instructed.

I go through the door and see dozens of eyes looking back at me. 

"Ah, everyone I'd like to meet my new assistant, Clementine," My new boss said to them. 

"Madeleine, sir," I corrected him. He didn't seem to care, great. I'm Clementine now. 

I got a few smiles and nods by the people sitting at the long table. They were all dressed business-like. The men wearing suits and the women wearing skirts and blazers. 

I go next to my boss and I give him his coffee. I find a chair behind him and sit there. 

"How old are you, Madeleine?" I heard a deep voice ask me. 

I looked up and I saw dark brown eyes looking back at me. Excuse my language, but damn. You don't know how good-looking he was. Brown hair atop his head and a stubble on his face. His shoulders looked so ... I don't even know what to say. But, he fit his dress shirt perfectly. 

"Eighteen, sir," I replied, taking my eyes off of his body.

He took a sip from his coffee. "Fresh out of high school I bet." 

"Graduated a few months ago, sir." 

He nodded and gave me a smile. 

Oh my gosh, he was gorgous. All I needed to know who this man was. 

"I bet you're wondering who I am?" he asked, as if reading my mind. 

I nodded. 

"My name is William Schoelar. I am the owner of this company." 

Oh dear Lord! He's the head person here and I am saying he's gorgous. Well, there is nothing bad about that. He really was goregous ... 

"Good to know," I said politely. 

He nodded and went back to what he was doing earlier. 

The whole day, my boss only wanted coffee or something to eat. I felt more like a servant than an assistant. 

At the end of the day, I got to go home. Yay! Best part of the day. 

Honestly, I didn't like my new boss. He's too demanding. I don't like that. But, which boss isn't demanding? That's the real question. 

As I was about to go in the elavator, someone grabbed my hand. I turned to see that lovely man looking at me. 

"Madeleine, will you come in my office for a minute?" Mr. Schoelar asked me. 

I nodded shyly and followed him. I flushed as I caught myself staring at his butt. What can I say? His butt was definitely bigger than any other guys'. 


I did. I smoothed out my skirt as I sat.

"Madeleine, I saw how much you hated today. You looked miserable." Dang, was I that obvious?

"Well, I certainly didn't feel like an assistant." I said honestly. 

"I can make you feel like an assistant if you work for me."

What?! He wants me to be his assistant? The freakin' owner of this company?! 

"Um, I don't think Mr. Vann would like it when he notices that his assistant is working for his boss." Why did I even give a crap about that awful man? 

"I'll handle him. But do you accept? I will give you much more money than he probably gives you." Well, he most certainly was convincing. 

And wow. If he gives me more money, then hell yes! Screw Mr. Vann!

"Of course, sir." I said. 

He smiles and shakes my hand. 

"You start tomorrow." 

I nodded and went to the door.

"Also," he made me stop, "no 'sir' out of you. Either William or perhaps Will." 

I blush and smile at him. 

I walk out of his office and I go to the elevator. 

Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

I have a new and amazing boss! 


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