Chapter Four

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Thanks so much for reading the sneak peek of my debut novel, WHAT THE SPELL?! If you liked what you read, PLEASE show your love by buying the whole book! It's available at book stores everywhere on Jan 29th, as well as in e-book versions and through Amazon.

Now I KNOW you're used to getting all your content on here for FREE--and I definitely have a few stories on here that are like that--but as writers (and readers!) we really need to support each other by BUYING awesome books when they're published! Why? Because the more books that Wattpad authors like Reekles (Beth Reeks; "The Kissing Booth" & "Rolling Dice"), Canse12 (Abigail Gibbs; "Dinner with a Vampire, Did I Mention I'm Vegetarian") and I sell, the more likely it will be that publishers and agents will keep coming to Wattpad to find other untapped talent--LIKE YOU! Besides, writing books is hard work....shouldn't we get paid for all the time and energy we put in? I for one have no problem buying others' books. After's all for a good cause, right?

So please, if you liked the first three chapters of WHAT THE SPELL? order your copy or buy your copy today! And then, when the day comes that YOUR book is published, you have my word that I will be first in line to buy it!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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