intro :)

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hi, this is just a chapter clearing some things up real quick before you read.

first things first, Free Palestine, Fuck AI, and Fuck Gwen Stefani's race faking ass

it so genuinely takes me years to write whole books bc of ADHD and depression and fun things like that so most of the people and plots included we're written before things ab certain people we're brought to my attention

although the characters in this fic are based on the very real members of MCR and other bands, i'm not trying to speculate anything about their personal lives with this fic (obvs). all the guy's parents and family are fictional because I'd feel VERY WEIRD trying to write about their actual families.

there are things taken from LOTMS/Warped Tour Diaries in here but I'm very against writing about Gerard's alcoholism and mental health issues so there won't be any of that. Frank's smoking is a pretty prominent subplot though.

this is very loosely based on the 'I'm Not Okay' music video. It transitions into irl MCR stuff halfway through, don't ask me which Warped Tour this is because I blend 2004 and 2005 together and I do not know.

also, I have 6 siblings so if this isn't an accurate depiction of sibling relationships idk what is

anyway I hope you enjoy reading it, or have fun making fun of it with your friends, either way I hope it's a positive experience for you.

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