Chapter 4: Blessing

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"That was very helpful of you" you snarled at Toji who's sitting on the ground while doing some exaggerating claps. You are gasping for air while wiping your sweat with the back of your palms. You just exorcised the curse and now, you're a panting mess.

"Well, that was intense. Though I didn't saw your... um... enemy?" You almost threw his sword at him but he just laughed it out. You were not pissed at him for doing less since you understood his circumstances but you were now irritated by his whole personality but you laughed anyway.

Toji, who is now wiping away the dirt on his ass, looked at you, fanning yourself with your hand.

"You did great, beautiful" and wiped away the remaining beads of sweat rolling on your neck. He glazed over how beautiful your neck is, how you tilted it, letting him wipe the rest of it as you are too tired to do it yourself.

But instead of wiping away the proof of your hard work, he buried his face at the crook of your sweaty neck instead. "Don't even bulge, I am trying to inhale your fatigue" He murmured, giving you gentle pats at the back while softly kissing your salty paid efforts.

You pulled him away, with your hands on his cheeks while looking at him with concern. "Toji?" You felt his anxiousness by the way he held your body and the way he let out consistent exasperated sighs.

Concerned, you brushed the hair that is sticking on his forehead while waiting for him to say something, not wanting him to be put under pressure. He planted a warm smooch on your left cheek, to your right, down to your chin, making its way up to your eyelids, and placing three more on your forehead, sliding his lips down on the bridge of your nose before pulling you once more for a sincere, yet anxious kiss which made you once again, pull away.

"You're acting weird" You stated.

"I..." pursing his mouth, he does not know how to even open this concern of his. "You what?" slightly growing impatient but you waited still, while your hand did the sending of concerned message through its understanding pats at his cheeks.

He gulped. "You know how shitty the Zenins are, right?" which made you nod. The Zenins are merciless and ruthless when it comes to their clan. They wanted people with excessive powers and Toji does not have it—the power to fight against curses.

You didn't speak, wanting him to continue what he said. "And while watching you fight earlier..." he paused, taking in a large amount of oxygen. "You looked very beautiful, I wanted to marry you right here, at this very spot and moment." His eyes, glued on his hands that are playing against your hands.

"Is it a selfish wish of mine to ask for you to be mine?" While clenching hard on both of your hands against his slightly flushed face.

Tears are slowly forming against your eyes which made you swallow the huge lump in your throat, not wanting your voice to crack. "Toji..." You have so many emotions swimming through your system, but none came out of your trembling lips.

"I foresaw, you, being such an amazing mother and wife, with our son who has your personality." Pressing small kisses on the back of your palm, "That dream's so good, I never wanted anything this bad before" Toji exclaimed.

You nodded in assurance and placed the shaking Toji against the unstable beating chest of yours, caressing his head "I know" and finally, a tear dropped.

You too, the moment Toji shared his dream with you, made you imagine a future with him and his claimed child-to-be son.

"Will it be selfish if I said that is what I wanted as well?" pulling him against you while you slowly sat on the grassy area in front of your tent, not wanting to hurt yourself and Toji.

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